Shadows Of The Past

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Shadows Of The Past [2]

This is not what she expected, not even in her wildest dreams. She did not expect, nor wanted him to dig the past that was buried deep down the place she wanted to forget the path to.

She was stunned.

Her blood boiled at his audacity. After everything, how did he still repeat the same question, same conversation… yet again?

“Husband?” she let out a low laugh, blankly staring at him as she watched a dark shadow of past pass through his eyes.

“I asked… don’t you remember? Right in front of you.” she continued looking at him, watching him retreat back, closing himself off.

“Don’t do this Serhat Demirkan. Don’t repeat the conversation you can’t handle.” She finished off, turning around taking small, heavy, steps out the room.


Serhat watched her walk away in utter silence, sitting defeated once again.

The great Serhat Demirkan, the one who could handle it all, the one known for his power, could never stand a chance in front of this woman.

She was right. How could he be so stupid to start a conversation he couldn’t handle? How could he question something, he himself was to answer?

He not only questioned her but also pushed all the wrong buttons.

Calling that piece of trash her husband? He knew it was a low blow out of desperation, maybe to get a response from her.

He hated himself for that but somewhere he feared it to be somewhat true…

His thoughts got interrupted by the police officers’ knock on the door.

“Good evening, Serhat bey,” the officer came in to take his statement, asking him about what caused him to get into such situation.

“My sister is being held hostage by her in laws since months. We went get her back but Özgüçs didn’t want peace…” Serhat explained with disgust filled in his voice.

“Why didn’t you inform the police?”

“Has police ever helped Demirkans?” He raised his brows, questioning the man in front of him. Power and name brought perks along, after all, no matter positive or negative, “So yes, we had to go ourselves.”

“It would be helpful if you lodge a complaint against Özgüçs to speed up the process,”

Serhat nodded, agreeing with the officer. Maybe for once, going through proper channel would help him get rid of that family.

You don’t have any other option in this… injured state, anyway Demirkan. His inner voice taunted him to which he groaned.

He loathed nothing more than dependency and helplessness but if it requires, he would do anything for his family...


She was staring blankly at the paper weight kept in front of her as her mind went through hundreds of thoughts one by one, over and over again. As much as she tried, she couldn’t shake the voices off her head.

She tried to bury herself into work but it didn’t come to any use, nothing came to use.

All she could think was him and that’s the last person she wanted to think of.

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