"Invest? Tang Xinyi, have you gone mad?" Tang Bao Jun asked.

"Will you give up the idea of disbanding Winter Night if I invest?" Tang Xinyi asked hearing her cousin sigh for the second time.

"Fine. What do you want? I am only asking because I am really in need of the money." Tang Bao Jun said.

" Right now, I am free and holiday ends next year so, please let me train at your company." Tang Xinyi said briefly before hearing her cousin burst into laughter on the other side of the phone.

"You want to train to be an idol? What was I thinking?" Tang Bao Jun said laughing.

"If you don't, I will kill myself! What do I have to live for? My favorite group is going to disband. I will never hear their songs ever again. It's best I just die." Xinyi said dramatically.

"Listen very carefully, Tang Xinyi. I just came back from a very tiring meeting and I do not have the time to let you stress me. I'm hanging up." Tang Bao Jun said.

"Wait! No one is at home." Xinyi said using her last card.

The silence on the other side told her she had succeeded. Her cousin must be scared out of his wits. Tang Bao Jun's hands tightened round his phone as he heard what Xinyi had said. She was all alone at home meaning she could really carry out her threat.

"Fine. You can train here. I will just have to talk to the staff and you can train here. However Xinyi, you can't debut as an idol. You still have school to go to. I know you just want to be close to your favorite Winter Night. With your funding maybe I might change my mind. You must listen to me. Otherwise, I will return your money and send you back home. You get me?" Tang Bao Jun asked.

Xinyi smiled jumping happily at her victory while she answered her cousin. Not only was she investing in her favorite idol group, she was investing in her future husband. Finally. They were going to meet face to face.


The day arrived and Xinyi arrived glancing through the window as the car drove by. Thousands of fans gathered outside excitedly waiting which meant the concert had not yet started. And which also meant she had time to talk with her cousin before the concert started. Getting out of her car, Xinyi stepped out like a young rich mistress. Even if today was the last concert of her favorite idol group, she couldn't dress to impress. No one knew about her identity. Not even her friends at school. At first, it started out like that because she didn't want them to flock round her because of her money but in the end, it was worth it because her identity would continue to stay hidden even when she joins MMF Entertainment. Many idols often suffered from backlash when a past friend or acquaintance appears with false rumor or information.After adjusting her glasses for a second, Xinyi walks to the door where the doorman opens the door for her.

Meanwhile, Tang Bao Jun is busy in a meeting with the staff before the concert. They talk about many things including how to announce the disbandment of Winter Night to the fans. Winter Night's fandom were very toxic and the last time they announced something that hadn't favoured Winter Night, the fans went crazy destroying their stores and protesting. Back then, the scandal became so huge that the government had to get involved.

"This must not blow up on our face, okay? Talk to the group. They will the ones to say it. Make sure they explain clearly!" Tang Bao Jun said getting out of his seat to leave.

The staff stood up nodding as Bao Jun left the room. After leaving the room, his eyes still remained fixed on the paper as he struggled to be updated. Until he bumped into Xinyi. The two of them had been walking without looking. While Bao Jun had been trying to read quickly through his book, Xinyi had been looking at her phone.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Xinyi said.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Bao Jun said about to explode until he lifted his head and saw Xinyi.

"Cousin." Xinyi said bending down to help him gather the fallen papers.

"You should have called me. You almost got shouted at." Bao Jun said as the both of them got up together.

"Are things that bad? Cousin, you can also talk to me." Xinyi said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Did anyone see you coming in?" Bao Jun asked looking behind her to see if anyone was around.

"Of course not. I was very careful to make sure. I also brought the check. With this, Winter Night and your company can be saved right?" Xinyi asked handing over the check to Bao Jun.

Bao Jun collected the check looking at it with an expressionless face which made Xinyi wonder if the money was too little.

"If it's too little, I can add more." Xinyi said.

"You. You are willing to do anything just to save Winter Night? Tell me. Do you like the entire group or just one member in particular?" Bao Jun asked.

"What are you talking about? I ...... I am also concerned about your company. MMF Entertainment has been one of the leading companies in the music industry for years. Now you are about to go bankrupt, as your cousin, shouldn't I help you?" Xinyi asked watching as Bao Jun laughed.

"Are you saying you are doing this for me? Xinyi, you have never been good at lying. You should just give up. Anyways, I'm going to accept this money. Not because I need it, but because I'm afraid you might do sosomething stupid if I refuse. Thanks." Bao Jun said folding the check and placing into his jacket which made Xinyi smile.

JIANHONG'S SPOILED PRINCESS (WINTER NIGHT #1)Where stories live. Discover now