Chptr. 18

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Last night with Jacob had been so good for Dave that he had to take a mini-vacation from work at least for a week. He knew that would put his company at risk but he couldn't care less.

He woke up to a pair of soft lips caressing his. He smiled and didn't hesitate to kiss back.

"Wakey wakey, sleepy bear."

"Hmm. That's a nice way of waking someone up." Dave said, opening his eyes.

"And I love waking up next to my beautiful husband!"

Dave was horrified when he saw Anne's ugly smiling face right in front of him.


"Dave, what's wrong? Calm down, it's me!"

"Go away, you ugly beast!!!"

Dave opened his eyes again, and the disgusting and creepy image of his wife was gone from his mind and was replaced by the beautiful and angelical face of his lover.

"Ugly beast? Damn, Dave, you didn't have to do me like that." Jacob said with a slight pout.

"Jacob... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that. I just had the worst nightmare!"

"Let me guess: Anne?"

"Yes, it was horrible! But you know pretty well you're not an ugly beast. You'd be a very handsome and sexy beast, if any." Dave said with a smile, taking Jacob's head in his hands and holding him close.

"Hmm, I'll take that. And I could say the same about you just so you don't feel bad."

Dave laughed. "You're such an idiot."

They leaned in for a sweet kiss.

"Good thing you woke up because I have a huge surprise for you." Jacob said in a husky tone as he ran a finger over Dave's lower lip.

"Oh... When you say huge, are you referring to your... Cock?"

"No, you fucking pervert. I'm talking about the thing next to you."

Jacob grabbed Dave's chin and made him look at the nighttable where a tray with lots of delicious food was set.

"Oh, wow, you brought me breakfast in bed!"

"Of course I did, silly. And I made sure to include all your favorite meals like pancakes, cookies, chocolate milk, and-"

"Grilled cheese sandwiches! Jacob, you're the best!!!" Dave said happily, smacking Jacob's lips with his over and over again.

"Just the best for you, my fluffy bear." Jacob replied, making Dave blush deep like a teenager. "So, should we dig in?"

A while later, both men were digging into the tasty breakfast Jacob had prepared in the comfort of Dave's bed. They shared everything together. At some point Dave had taken a bite of the pancakes only for Jacob to steal it from his mouth by kissing him and grabbing it with his tongue. Dave was a little mad but Jacob simply shrugged and smirked.

Dave left the best for the end, and those were the sandwiches. Jacob liked seeing Dave enjoying the food he had prepared. He was like a cute little kid in the body of a 32 year old fat man.

"God, your cooking is so much better than Anne's." Dave moaned as he munched on his grilled cheese sandwich.

"Now, you're just saying that." Said Jacob, but he knew it was true. He had tasted Anne's food and it was horrible.

"No, I'm serious. Anne always burns everything, and never adds salt to the food because iT's bAd fOr HeR dIet and stuff."

"Yeah, I'll have to agree on that. Would you rather have me cook your meals for the rest of your life?"

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