Chptr. 16

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After Dave and Jacob's cocks were well spent from all that endless fucking, they finally showed up to work, where all the workers asked them worriedly what had happened, at which Dave simply responded they had had a problem with the car.

Dave noticed his receptionist wasn't at her usual spot in the reception.

"Where's Miranda? Don't tell me she's late too." Dave asked Jacob.

"I dunno, she probably went to take a dump."

They got in the elevator and seeing as they were the only people in there, they made out for a while until they reached the top floor and they pulled away before the doors opened.

As soon as Ian saw them, he ran up to them with his notepad in hand. "Mr. Ferris, Jacob, what took you so long?"

"We had a bit of trouble with the car, is all." Dave replied.

"Yeah, we had to do a lot of screwing." Jacob added.

Dave had to pinch Jacob's right buttock hard and he yelled in pain before shooting him a glare.

"Ookay, well, good thing you came because today is-"

"Where's Miranda?" Dave interrupted Ian.

"She quit."

"Good. Wait- WHAT?! WHY?! What did you do, Ian?!"

"What did I do? I'll tell you what I did NOT do: accepting her offer to have sex with me!"

Dave gasped. "She what?! She asked you to have sex with-"

"SHHHH!!!" Jacob silenced them both at seeing they had earned some attention. "Let's discuss this at the office, shall we?"

The three got in Dave's office. Dave took his spot behind the desk with Jacob standing next to him, and Ian sat on the chair in front of the desk. He explained everything Miranda had said to him before she raged and left.

"Well, good riddance. She was a skank. I lost count of how many times I yelled at her face saying that I was gay and it was like talking to the wall. That bitch wouldn't know the meaning of the word gay even if someone tattoed it into her brain." Jacob said, crossing his arms. "You did well, Ian."

"Heh, thanks..." Ian blushed.

"I'll admit her behaviour wasn't the best but now I need a new receptionist." Dave said, opening his laptop.

"We can worry about that later." Jacob said nonchalantly.

"Yes, there are more important things to worry about, like the meeting you had scheduled for today at 9 AM, sir." Said Ian.

"FUCKING WHORE SHIT, THE MEETING!!!" Dave yelled slamming his desk and covering his face with his hands.

"Woah, you should definitely use that kind of vocabulary more often, boss." Jacob chuckled.

"I don't have time for goddamn shitty jokes, Jacob, I just fucking missed a very important bitch ass meeting! Ian, tell me you did something about it!"

"Well, Jacques du Haut Château was actually very nice after I told him you were late to work, and he said there was no problem, that he would stay at a luxury hotel room and drink some cognac until you arrived."

"Thank God, call him immediately and tell him we can start the meeting right away." Dave said, grabbing some papers.

"Yes, sir." Ian pulled out his phone and dialed Jacques' number.

"Who's this Jacques guy and why does his name sound like mine?" Jacob asked.

Dave looked up at him with a deadpan look. "Don't you know? Jacques du Haut Château is a famous french fashion designer specialized in designing high quality lingerie for both females and males. He came all the way from Paris to show me his work and see if whether we can make a deal about letting my company sell it."

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