Jungkook furrowed his eye brows,"What? Why? And what were you saying about doing something bad? Did you forget one of the ingredients.."

Doyoung took a deep breath and cut Jungkook off,"Jungkook, Lily might kill me tonight."

Jungkook suddenly felt sympathetic,"Doyoung-ah, Lily won't kill you over you forgetting an ingredient..I know she might seem like she would, but she wouldn't.."

Doyoung vigorously shook his head,"Jungkook-ah, you don't understand. I'm doing something so big that it might change all of our lives."

Jungkook finally started taking him seriously,"What happened, Doyoung-ah?"

"First tell me, Jungkook-ah, does Lily have any weapon on her right now?" Doyoung asked.

"Umm..she has a small dagger knife in her pocket."

"Is it sharp?"


"Would it hurt a lot if she stabs me?"


"Ah!!"Doyoung said as he slowly fell to the ground before Jungkook could catch him. Jungkook also sat by his side on the ground.

"I guess, this stabbing pain wouldn't be anything in front of the emotional pain and trauma Lily would go through. I guess I should be ready for at least that if I want to do through with my plan. Right?"It seemed like Doyoung was talking to himself rather than Jungkook hence Jungkook didn't bother answering. Doyoung continued,"I was with Lily for so long, at least she wouldn't kill me, right? Right? Jungkook-ah?"

"I don't know, Doyoung. To answer that I would have to know what the fuck is going on. Would you fucking mind giving me some context?"

Doyoung sighed,"Get yourself ready. And don't be shocked."

Jungkook nodded and intently listened to what Doyoung had to say. After Doyoung was done revealing what his grand plan was..Jungkook was shocked. Beyond shocked. And he was also in a dilemma. He didn't know if this was right, he didn't know how Lily would react, if Lily would be fine. Nothing is certain when it comes to Lily.

So what Doyoung is saying is that..tonight he invited the only person that can bring emotions out of Lily here even thought Lily had strictly forbidden him to ever find or reach out to that person.

Jungkook didn't even know that such a person existed. He knew there was reason Lily saved Gaeul, but he didn't know the reason would be like this.

If Doyoung is right, this really might be the only chance to pull Lily out of the darkness that surrounds her. The wall she built around her, this might be the only chance to break that.

"Listen, no one knows what Lily's reaction would be like, okay?"Doyoung said,"So Jungkook-ah, What you have to do is..calm her down. Only you can do that. And please see that she doesn't hurt herself anyway."

Jungkook chuckled,"And what if she tries to stab you? Aren't you worried about that?"

Doyoung smiled,"I will be okay as long as she's okay."

Jungkook patted his shoulder as he felt Doyoung's sincerity. Lily has earned a really good friend.

"Doyoung-ah, what if Lily refuses to talk or do anything in front of him?"

"I don't know, Jungkook. I think I've already overstepped my boundaries by reaching out to him. I just don't know anymore."

"Let's not force her, Doyoung. If what you're saying is true than she would be in intense emotional distress. We have to let her get over the initial shock and than have her make her decision."

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