Maybe in another life

Start from the beginning

"ALVA!!!!! STOP!!!!!!" I heard from behind me. It was Elyssa, and by the sound of many other footsteps, she wasn't alone.

What, this isn't the first time I've been chased, bullied remember?

I ignored them and continued sprinting. They don't understand the situation I'm in....

Maybe...just another life

I was much faster than them, even Takashi and Honey to my surprise.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs and into a great hall, heads turned in my direction. I continued running, everyone kept looking at me until....

"OMG ITS THE HOST CLUB!!!" Some one fangirled. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE began running towards them.

I eventually lost them in the giant crowd that surrounded the hosts.


"Yo Elyssa!!! Does this mean we can request you now?"

"MY HEART STILL STAYS TRUE TO YOU TAMAKI!!!!" So many girls and boys had surrounded them, it'd be hard to notice me in the crowd.

I pushed my way to the school doors and continued sprinting.

Mom?? I could really use your help now....

~Psycho's POV~

The hosts finally got away from the fangirls and boys. It was.....lets just say sacrifices were made.

"You guys do realize we just left Tamaki there. Alone. With the fangirls." Ash said. He was quick to catch his breath and stood there while everyone, but Mori, panted heavily.

The twins let out a short chuckle. "Don't worry, he can handle it....maybe." They said evilly. Kaoru and Hikaru finally caught their breath and their smile were quickly replaced with looks of concern and worry.

When everyone caught their breath they stood in silence, thinking of where Alva could be.

What they didn't know, was a certain someone already knew where she was.

Now we check on Alva!!

Alva stopped sprinting, and began to walk to her safe haven. Looking behind her now and then, to make sure Elyssa, Ash or any of the hosts had found her.

Her black and white cat, Gotham, appeared out of nowhere in particular and walked by her side. He was smart and knew when and what his owner was feeling.

Finally she looked up at the two words she had wanted to see all day.

'The Cemetery' she whispered as she walked through the tall black gates.

A cool breeze welcomed her inside. She walked passed dozens of graves until she reached her mother's.

The words engraved were:

Angela Blackburn

A loving mother and wife

She didn't deserve to die the way she did

Right when she finished to read the tombstone, Alva broke down crying. She wanted her mom back incredibly bad. In fact because of this, she's become suicidal and cuts herself.

"I w-wish y-you were here r-right now!" She said between sobs. To anyone (except Gotham), this was a rare sight to see. Alva always seems emotionless everywhere she goes except here.

Slowly Alva calmed down her crying and looked at her mother's tombstone.

"This is why I don't believe in God...." She whispered to herself. "God wouldn't let something like this happen."

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