Football field.

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Wilhelm's pov;

'He didn't say it back.'

I kept repeating those same 5 words over and over again.

Why didn't he say it back? Did he not love me enough? Why did he only say "I hope you enjoy your Christmas" I was in disbelief. Why did he not feel the same? Was he not in love with me, after everything we did together, it ended up like this?
"No.. no it can't.. it can't end up like this!" I was now breathing at a faster pace and my hand was over my heart, I was having a panic attack. I have to slowly control my breathing. I take a few breaths in and a long exhale. But, I couldn't handle it anymore, it started to get overwhelming,
"STOP THE CAR!" I had to get out of here. I had to find Simon.
"Whats wrong Prince Wilhelm?" The driver asks.
"I'm.. im going to be sick, let me be outside for a minute." I need to work on my lying skills.
The driver gives me a small nod to tell me I can exit the car. I slowly get out of the to make it look more believable, then as soon as I am outside, I run as fast as I can. I needed to find Simon. I had to talk to him.

Simons pov;

Why didn't I say it back? I love him though.. or do I? I didn't want to be a secret. I screwed it all up.

When Wilhelm hugged me, I felt a million butterflies in my stomach. It felt like the first time we kissed. But, he had to tell me he loved me. "I love you" Was the 3 words that kept crossing my mind. Why, why did I have to blurt out "I hope you enjoy your Christmas"
I must've of broken his heart, he admitted to loving me and I didnt even have the courage to tell him that I felt the same way.

Sara walks up to me. "How are you feeling?" she asks.
Im not sure how I'm feeling but, she can't know that. "I'm fine! Though Ill meet you at home" I need personal time to myself before I talk to anyone about what just happened.
"Ok.. make sure to be home before dinner, bye!" She says while skipping away. I smile and give her a small nod at her while I watch her skip away.

1 hour later and Simon is laying on the fake grass.

Wilhelm's pov;

Where would he be? I have searched everywhere and I still couldn't find him. Why did it have to be this difficult?
Suddenly, it clicks into my head.
Why didn't I check here at the very beginning? How dumb can I be?
I started running as fast as I could until I was finally there. My hands were on my knees as I was panting. I am so out of shape. I hear a small cough, as if it was trying to get my attention. I lift my head up, and to my surprise

he was right there.


word count- 518

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment some ideas for the next chapter :)

This is also my first book and I hope it was good <3

enjoy the rest of your day/night :)

Just The Two Of Us // Young RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now