"oh! hello there!" dagger hummed when she heard a ping of someone joining the call.

"hello dagger. what's up? why no one's here?" corpse asked, looking at the group.

"no idea. apparently being late is fashionable now" she sighed "how are you, big guy?"

"actually things are pretty good. i'm really hap– you're live?" a hint of panic rung in his voice.

"nope, not yet. i wanted to start when most of people are here. so don't worry" she let out a chuckle "but did i hear it right? you're happy? awwh?"

"shut up. i keep on telling that to people and then i regret it" he scoffed "no but there has been some... things and im just happy lately"

a soft smile painted on her lips

"corpse to be honest, i'm happy for you. i know life's been hard so that's good to hear" dagger said, nodding. corpse giggled

"that's so funny to talk about. happiness i haven't felt in such a long time... and it's caused just by a one person. you know the feeling? it's just so– weird to me" he sighed.

"i know what you mean. i really do. and yknow what? it's not strange. it's good! im glad you found someone who makes you happy" minerva grinned and thought of ajax.

"SUP BITCHES!" high pitched british voice yelled

"is this how you speak to women? older than you? shame, tommy. shame" dagger said dramatically

"forgive me mighty dagger! it wasn't meant for you!" tommy gasped

"then why did you say it in plural?" corpse asked, humming

"wh– force of habit" the teen said and both dagger and corpse sighed at the same time, causing tommy to burst out laughing loudly "why are you so in sync? i feel like i'm getting murdered today–"

"yes, yes you are" dagger chirped sweetly.

"no no, dagger. hear me out–" tommy started and ranboo joined  but remained silent "you are like... great. we love hot woman. in my hierarchy you're below philza and above dream. i'm going to say this just once: i am—"

dream joined and ranboo mischievously started the stream.

"i am sorry all mighty dagger! let's have a duo. handsome duo twt? what do you say about that?" tommy whined

"what did he do–?" ranboo chuckled

"tommy i'm not holding a grunge for cancelling this halloween special, i literally told you. but if you say sorry one more time, i might think about inviting you again" dagger said dramatically

"s–... ugh. sorry..." he mumbled

"what a sweet young man you are–" she started


"can we start the game so i can murder him?" dagger asked and they all agreed.

"can we start the game so i can murder him?" dagger asked and they all agreed

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SOUNDS GOOD FEELS GOOD , corpse husband Where stories live. Discover now