By the time we reach the restaurant we are ten minutes later than our reservation, but luckily the grill house isn't that busy today and we still get our seat.

"So....why did you not want to do a whole big celebration with both our families?" I ask mid meal.

Abhimanyu shrugs. "I guess I am just growing old."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah because twenty nine is so old."

"Ok ok." He waves his hand in the air, "I just wanted a quiet night with you.....I just wanted this birthday to be about us."

I smile understandingly. "Ofcourse." Squeezing his hand I offer him a bite of my charcoal panner tikka and he offers me a sip of his drink.

For some reason I didn't feel like having a drink tonight, not even something without alcohol, so I didn't order anything and Abhimanyu decided to tag along and not drink any alcohol based thing either. He ordered himself an orange soda lemonade though and in all honesty it tastes really good. A single sip is like a burst of citrus in my mouth.

"This is so good." I stress. Abhimanyu agrees.

Retrieving my phone from my pocket, I take a boomerang of Abhimanyu sipping on the drink and put it as my Instagram story after adding a note right in the middle saying "my evening looks good" and tagging him. Minutes later our dessert of lemon cheesecake arrives and we dig in.

But just as I open my mouth to take a bite, suddenly my grip on the spoon falters. It feels too heavy in my hand....The image of Abhimanyu sitting in front of me gets blurry and a wave of exhaustion and dizziness rolls over me.

"Saanvi? Are you okay?" I hear Abhimanyu ask, but his voice seems miles away. Where am I? Before I even realise what's happening, my head lolls to the side and I slip down from the chair. My eyes close of their own accord and a blanket of darkness covers me.


Abhimanyu's POV

"Saanvi! Saanvi wake up please." I chant over and over to a dazed Saanvi in the backseat of my car.

She slipped out of the chair and fell onto the ground before I could even realise what was happening. Within a second I was next to her picking her up in my arms. I managed to get her out before anyone could crowd us.

The drive to the hospital is all a blur just like her fainting on me.
One minute she was laughing and talking and the next she was on the ground out like a light.

I carry her frame out of the car and dash into the 24/7 hospital. Her head is resting against my chest and her hands flail at the sides.

"Sir, please calm down, your wife will be taken care of, just fill this form." The receptionist tells me as she thrusts a form attached to a clipboard at me. She also waves over a nurse with a stretcher and asks me to drop Saanvi onto it while I fill the necessary forms at the reception.

"Sir what exactly happened to her?" The nurse asks, I fill her in on the unexpected events of the last fifteen minutes and after listening she wheels Saanvi to a room.

By the time I have finished the forms- which were a complete waste of time if you ask me- and get to the room where Saanvi is admitted my chest is filled with fear. What the hell happened to her?

"Mr. Malhotra?" An old man sporting a white beard and wearing a white coat stands before me. His name tag embroidered on the coat reads Jason Wadia.

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