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Even though, those girls looked amazing, the god of beauty was still the most gorgeous. Well, at least in Taehyung's eyes, he did. When Zeus finished his long speech about the whole Greek God world and it's wins and legends. Everything at that moment was silent, except the loud voice talking.

Seokjin knew, that his lover was going with another, but he didn't think that they would be this close. They looked so good together.. his eyes only laying on there bodies. His insecurities were showing, he knew that, but what to do?

He has thought about the thought of himself not caring enough for his mental health, but that's just a thought. His love, the person he loved could love him, right? But just the thought of his lover leaving made his heart ache. The sight, the feeling of warmth in your heart fade just had shivers run down his spine. He looked at the two one more time, and this time he could tell that he won't hold on anymore.

The two were talking, the girl laughing and Jungkook smiling at her. Oh god, did it brake Seokjin's heart. His small and naive heart. It broke just like a mistake he made. It was funny, though, Jungkook didn't even lift his eyes to look around. But he looked happy. That was a thing that Jin couldn't take away. That's when the memories came rushing in.

The breeze was a little sting to skin as the sun shined through the tree branches and leaves. The grass never felt that soft and the sounds of laughter echoed throughout the whole forest. Two people were running. Not from something or someone, but they were running after one an other. There hands were joined together, as one of them was pulling the other in directions, and after some time, they were meet with sounds of water running. There was a lake, it looked so magical. Trees and long grass surrounded it. The two looked at each other, calming down their breaths and bodies.

"So, this is the place that you wanted to show me?" One of them asked, as the other nodded. "When I want to be alone, I come here" one of them said. The other smiled and hugged the person in front of him "I'm glad you trust me enough to let me know about this place" the taller said.

That memory, it happened just like in the myth. The human and the god. Seokjin was always so fascinated in that myth, that he read everything that was close to those two. Their love really was such a magical thing to him. Just the thought of having a person that loves you that much, made Seokjin have the famous butterflies in his stomach, them bubbling up even more when he saw his lover doing something close to the myths.

It was strange though, in every myth, it would end in the two being taken away from one an other. But they somehow would still get together. This is what made Seokjin read all those stories, all those myths, all those legends, it was because of them. Their strong love, their great relationship, their precious moments together. It made Seokjin so hungry for that to happen to him. He wasn't jealous, he wanted love like theirs. But even though, their love has some differences from Seokjin's love, there somehow similar. But he doesn't know how.

Suddenly, a hand tapped on his shoulder. Seokjin quickly came back to reality and looked at the person who tapped him, he smiled. Seokjin saw the child of Zeus looking at him with worried eyes "You okay?" He asked, the smaller nodded and smiled. Taehyung gave back the smile and leaned into his ear "how about let's go for a walk across the palace?" Taehyung whispered "But what about the ball?" Seokjin said. "Well, I didn't say that we had to stay here" Taehyung whispered until music was playing as the older pulled the younger in "Taehyung, I can't dance" Seokjin said weekly, looking around as they were standing in the middle, with everyone's eyes on them. "Don't worry, just let yourself go, it's not like a we're in a competition or rating " Taehyung said, as it was getting close to the part they were supposed to dance to "just stand on my feet" Taehyung snapped his fingers and my shoes were gone, it looks that the other had no choice either way, so he stood up on Taehyung's feet "Does it hurt?" He asked, the taller laughed "You're light as a feather" and the they started dancing, or Taehyung started dancing. It was fun somehow, on the twirls Seokjin got off of Taehyung and then right back to their earlier place.

It was actually really fun, they could here people joining in and other's awing at the sight of the two. Seokjin didn't even look away, having full contact with Taehyung. He didn't even realise the death glares someone was giving to Taehyung.

The two ran through the palace, laughing and giggling. Taehyung promised his doing and after minutes, they were at the balcony. Their laughter still present, as they looked at the view, side by side. "It's beautiful" Seokjin whispered as he fell in love with the sight, Taehyung looked at him and smiled "My mom used to love nature, so my father made this exclusively for her" Taehyung said as Seokjin was still looking at the scenery. "Taehyung, did you ever fall in love?" The smaller asked as his eyes were still on the view "well, we could say yes, but at the same time no" Seokjin this time looked at the older. "How come?"

"Well, love is something we can't control" the taller said, then he paused "but also love is either for forever, or just short-lived, like either we could say, you love someone for forever, but they love you only for some time, and then you end up heartbroken, since that person didn't love you forever. And god is it worse if they make a promise" Taehyung went silent. Seokjin was looking up at him all the time "how do they not die from the promise?" The younger asked, Taehyung only gave him a sad smile "you either try to get back together, or find someone instantly and make a promise with them, it will change the old promise into the new one" Taehyung was done, but that left Seokjin thinking "did you make a promise?" That question shocked the younger "noooo, of course not, I'm only 16" Seokjin shook his head no, as Taehyung giggled "I know you haven't" the taller whispered as he took Seokjin's hand and lifted his face with his thumb.

"Love is for forever, right?" Seokjin's question made Taehyung even more sure, what he will do. While Seokjin was just hot and dazed from the alcohol, soft and plump lips met thinner and softer ones.

I promise, I was definitely not sober.


A/N: So, I came back.

I have watched cmbyn for 534 times now, just for one part here.

But anyways, how has the story been?

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