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     Tyler and Clancy poke their heads into the med tent as Toby, Athem, Zeik, and I catch up while Toby checks me over for any wounds, mostly for the sore shoulder that Athem was worried enough about to bring me in,

     "There you are," Clancy smiles as he steps in, "I see you made friends?"

     I smile back at him, "Yeah, Athem, Zeik, and I go years back," I smile at the two of them off to the side, but can't help but notice Clancy looking slightly hurt by the statement,

     "Well, I came around because there might be someone else here who will be happy to know you're out here and safe,"

     It takes me a second before remembering, "Alex made it?!" I almost jump up off the crate Toby has me sat on at the news,

     "Yeah," Tyler chimes in, "They got an earful from Clancy when we got back from the cavern," he playfully glares at Clancy who takes a breath, obviously regretting whatever the interaction was,

     "They found the cavern, that's a relief," I sigh, "are they here? I'm assuming they are seeing as Clancy apparently gave them an earful," I tease him,

     "Yeah, they're here," Clancy nods, "Alex was the one who gave me your necklace," he taps his chest where the pendant sits on my chest.

     We talk for a while, catching up with Athem, Zeik, Toby, as well as getting updates from Tyler and Clancy on what's been going on since I've been away.

     "So you're telling me I've been gone for two months?" I process as we walk out of the medical tent,

     "The three months are only from when Alex got out, you haven't been here in about five, maybe six months in total though," Tyler tells me, causing me to freeze,

     "I was in there that long..." memories of the device and the torture from the bishops starts to fill my head before Athem's voice comes back into focus,

     "And we haven't seen you in what, four years?" Athem looks back at Zeik who confirms,

     "Yeah, four or five years now," he nods

     "That long..." I trail off, "I thought you guys got caught, or worse after hearing about all the fpe's and punishments and..." not able to get the word out,

     "No, we made it out, very much alive," Athem wraps an arm around my shoulder, "We did worry about you though," she looks at me, head bent down slightly to be directly eye level with me,

     "And rightfully so," Clancy chuckles, "Arlyn used themself as bait several times,"

     "You what?!" Athem exclaims, "Arlyn?!"

     "Don't give me that, you know me," I nudge her playfully with a small smile.

     Walking a bit more, Josh catches up with us slightly out of breath,

     "Are we in the mood for a small meeting right now?" he asks, his tone slightly urgent,

     "Yeah, I'll be there," Tyler nods before looking back at the rest of us, "Clancy, are you joining?"

     "Yes," Clancy nods,

     Josh turns to me, "are you feeling up to joining as well?" he asks, a gentle concern in his voice,

     "Why the fuck not, let's do this," I nod, "Can Athem and Zeik join?" I ask, not quite ready to part with them,

     "Actually, the invitation was to them as well seeing as we'll have to stop by Zed for something though," Josh informs us as we walk with him.

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