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The two of us walk through the soft, ash-like snow in silence as we make our way to the man's place. We would have to be careful not to get caught by Nico. He was known for his rather brutal punishments that no one could escape from. It was fitting for the fact that he gave us both Committing Ceremonies around the same time. Either way, Id refuse to wear those black shirts. They look too formal for my taste.

"So," I break the silence and he looks over at me, "What's the plan?" I ask and his eyebrows raise,

"Well were not going to talk about it out in the open, I don't feel like having my ceremony pushed to now," he half-jokes with a scoff,

"Right, good thinking,"

We walk a bit longer along the vacant, dim streets occasionally glancing at the statues in archways and the entrance of each passing section of Dema before reaching his unit and carefully and silently making our way up to his room where I set down my bag, walk over to his bed, grab the covers off of it, and put them over the neon rods, earning me an odd look from him,

"So," I start, "What's the plan? Because we both don't have much time and the Banditos seemed a bit far," I say throwing the last blanket over the neon and turn to face the man who gestures over to the blankets,

"What's this?" He simply asks,

"Its how they control us," I explain, "Something about the neon makes the illusion of a colorful city that's perfect,"

The man nods slowly yet understandingly as he walks over to his uncovered bed and sits,

"The plan is to hide I guess," He says, which causes me to rais an eyebrow,

"Well that's not gonna do shit to help us," I say witch receives another odd look from him,

"Are you ok," He asks, "You seem a bit agitated," He addresses, causing me to replay everything from the walk to now, and frown,

"You're right," My brows furrow deeper while trying to figure out why before looking up, "I don't know why I'm acting like this... I'm sorry," I say looking up at him and taking a breath. He taps the bed beside him, silently telling me to sit, so I do,

"Is it something you want to talk about?" He asks, 

I nod my head but sit in silence, my eyes trained on the floor a few paces in front of us,

"Is it something you cant talk about?" He probes,

I nod again, my eyes darting to the covered neon before darting to him. 

The man simply nods before looking from the covered neon to his bed and back, "I'm going to need new blankets then," he breaths with a slight humorous hitch to his voice causing me to look up and smirk,

"I've always wanted to commit crimes against Keons," I half-joke before jumping up off the bed and walking off the door to grab the man more blankets and myself some to sleep with.

Since all the housing unit buildings are copies, everything is identical, meaning absolutely no problems stealing blankets or trying to find where they are kept. Racing through the halls and down the stairs and into the laundry room, I fill my arms with as many clean sheets, comforters, and pillows as my arms can carry before running back to the man's room and barging into his room causing him to jump a good foot into the air before smiling and laughing in surprise at the blankets I managed to steal,

"How," the man starts chuckling in complete disbelief at the sheer amounts of blankets, sheets, and pillows, "How did you manage to grab all of this, let alone hold all of it and not get caught?" He chuckles still as he turns to me, that warm comforting fire was lit in his eyes again and his smile was very comforting,

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