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     "Josh, you absolute fucking moron!" I angrily make my way over to him. It's true, I'm happy to see my friend, but furious he let Arlyn go back so soon. He should have known they were prone to doing stupid brave things. Like what happened when we were kids.

     "So you know too," is Joshes only response before quickly pulling me into his tent, "Clancy, we both know its impossible for Arlyn to even be alive," he starts, but I'm not having it,

     "Does Tyler know?" I snap, pointing out the tent. Josh has no response. Aggressively leaning out of the tent and call for Tyler who looks up from his journal next to the fire and immediately snaps it closed to make his way over.

     It only takes a few seconds for Tyler to enter,

     "Yeah?" Tyler asks as if he was unaware,

     "Arlyn. You knew he was alive?" I snap, betrayal pulling at my words,

     "Whoa, Clancy, take a breath-"

     "No Tyler, I will not take a breath. Did you know?" I ask again a bit louder and he takes a deep breath almost mocking me before he speaks,

     "Not until he showed up next to me the earlier today." He pulls over a box to sit on, "I honestly thought I was seeing their ghost," he gives me this look. The same guilt-ridden look he gave Josh and me when he told us the news 5 years ago,

     "And you?" I snap my head to Josh who was uncharacteristically quiet the whole time,

     "I didn't realize it was him until they showed up earlier this morning," he states simply.

     Plopping down on Josh's bed, my face buried in my hands as my palms come together to rest my nose and chin on the sides of my hands, my thumbs resting under my chin,

     "What do we do now?" I couldn't just leave Arlyn there again. Not with what's been happening in Dema the past while. Josh and Tyler are both quiet, with no response to my question.

     "He brought up something earlier today that triggered a reaction," Josh states suddenly causing me to look up at him,

     "What do you mean?"

     "We got word of something the Bishops were working on called 'Blurryface'," Josh explains, "When we were discussing it in the meeting while coming up with the plan to get you and Tyler back, Arlyn heard it and had some kind of fit," 


     "They were screaming and hyperventilating and looked like they were trying to physically fight something none of us could see,"

     Pausing for a moment to take in the explanation and shake away the visual of Arlyn on the ground screaming and trying to fight something invisible from my head, "What happened next?"

     "After I calmed them down," he continues, "he was able to explain something about the bishops creating something that can take charge of a human body," he pauses for a moment, "Arlyn called it a Glorified Pawn,"

     "Blurryface was something the bishops talked about occasionally. I only heard bits and pieces from the times I'd be places I was not supposed to, but from what I did hear, it's a being that would take charge of a human body and become, in their words, a Glorified Pawn." he finishes. 

     Nodding at his words, everything starts to piece together like a broken puzzle and I immediately stand up,

     "Clancy?" Tyler questions, "What's going on, I know that face,"

     "We need to find Arlyn and fast," I tell them, "But keep it on the low, we have Red Carnations among us."

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