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     The cave is dark and a bit musty, only lit by the torches that a few are carrying, the flames catching our shadows, causing them to dance on the walls. Not much could be seen except Josh, who was in the lead just in front of me, occasionally turning back to make sure we are all behind him, the small group he hand-picked for this event. At some point, he slows just enough to walk with me side by side,

     "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks in a whisper, I give him a hum and a nod as a yes. Josh places a hand on my shoulder, "are you sure? Not many-" he seems to catch himself before continuing, "banditos are this willing to go back into the city," he tells me letting his hand off my shoulder, "at least not on the first day out," he's looking at me again, so I draw my gaze back to his face. Worry plays in his eyes against the dancing fire he holds in front of himself,

     "This technically isn't my first day," I chuckle, "Clancy and I stayed in that cave for a few months while the snow was melting," he nods in understanding before picking up his pace to be in the lead once again, but as he does another walks up next to me elbowing my side causing me to turn,

     "So what's the story behind you and Josh?" Nigels voice questions. Confused and a bit shocked, I answer,

     "What do you mean?" My head tilts with the question,

     "You two seem to be quite close," he explains, "None of us have seen Josh act like this to anyone except Tyler and Clancy, whenever he gets out here," Nigel's words make me almost stop in my tracks, but to not hold up the others, I keep waking,

     "What is that supposed to mean? This is the first time I've met Josh," My tone is oddly defensive with the remark to witch Nigel gives a slight, confused smile, his bushy eyebrows pushing together before his face softens again,

     "Well forgive me for assuming, It's just that we've never seen Josh like that besides to Tyler and Clancy and Tyler doesn't seem to like anyone so him letting you hold his hand was-" he stops as Josh turns and shoots him a sharp look that silences Nigel, "never mind," he nods ever so slightly to Josh who turns back only to stop shortly after.

     We arrived at a staircase that seemingly goes on forever, but upon reaching the top, we stop in front of a door. Metal, big looking, heavy probably. Josh turns to us as the other Banditos in the group line up,

     "We go in fast, find Tyler and Clancy, and-" 

     "Josh, Clancy is several months past his Glorification date." I suddenly interrupt, almost grasping at Josh as the memories of sitting with Clancy on that rooftop start to fill my head. Josh goes silent as his eyes desperately start rethinking whatever plan we originally had. My head starts to spin, but not like how Lisden made my head warp and spin. This was more like pressure pushing against my skull. Apart from the rapid thinking, there's also panic in his eyes,

     "Where do you think they'd take him?" he asks,

     "Either the underside of the building or the rooftop of his building," 

     Josh looks back behind me at the others, "I need a small group to go with Arlyn to find Clancy and another small group to come with me to find Tyler," he orders in a hushed yell. 

     He counts off some people to be in each group, the rest are to create the diversion. Once everyone is situated, he swings open the door and stands in the gap with his torch blocking the window while we all file out in shuffled sprints, and as soon as I'm out with my group, half go to the under building while I make a sprint straight to the rooftop. My legs carrying me faster and faster with worry and fear its almost like my feet don't even hit the ground while spring up the stairs 3 at a time until reaching the roof access door. Swinging it open and launching myself out into the open again, I see him. 

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