Avery's Trials

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Entering the cave, Nate, Sam, and Ella were greeted with statues of St. Dismas, and carved stairs; from the three, all knew that they were on the right track, following the trail, it led them to a stone door, to the right of it, there was a hole in the wall, big enough to put your hand in; not long after, Nate put his hand in

"A little slimy... there's a handle in here or something", Nate said

"Well... give it a... give it a pull", Sam said

"Really, what it's a trap", Ella asked

"His hand's already in there, what's the worst that could happen", Sam asked

"Uh, I lose my hand", Nate retorted

"So, we'll get you a nice hook", Sam stated, "give it a pull",

"Alright, here we go", Nate said

"Be careful", Ella muttered as Nate pulled the lever, the stone door slid open, revealing a giant room; Nate took his hand out and wiped it on Sam's jacket

"Really", Sam asked as the three walked inside

"Hello, hello", Nate muttered

"Pretty interesting decor", Sam said

"Guys, look at this, "For those who prove worthy, Paradise awaits... To those who prove false, behold your grim fate", Ella read out loud

"Yeah, well I guess Avery was a better pirate than a poet", Sam said

"This isn't Avery", Nate stated

"What do you mean", Sam asked

"Look", Nate said, pointing his flashlight up at the sigil; the sigil showed a hand with a cutlass in it, not Avery's sigil

"It's the Rhode Island Pirate", Sam began

"Thomas Tew", Nate finished

"Yeah, but it can't be him, I mean, this is clearly his sigil, but... Tew died attacking the same treasure fleet as Avery", Sam explained

"Well, history can be wrong, you know", Ella stated, earning a chuckle from Nate

"If this really is Tew's mark... then that means he's involved in all of this... how", Sam asked

"That is a good question", Nate said, pulling out his journal and drawing the sign, "So, who do you think these guys are",

"My guess, those who proved false", Ella said

"I think Avery, or Thomas Tew, are just trying to scare us", Sam stated

"Good thing we're jaded treasure hunters", Nate said, putting his journal away and the three going deeper in the cave, and eventually getting trapped in a puzzle room

"Found another switch", Nate announced, looking over at the door, spikes were coming out of smaller holes, a skeleton stuck there, Nate soon grabbed the skeleton's hand and took it out... the spikes going back inside the stone

"Sorry", Ella muttered to herself, looking at the skeleton, her attention was soon drawn towards a noise, along with the guys, wooden wheels were turning and lowering a bucket

"it's a pretty elaborate test... or trial", Sam said

"Yeah, and this guy clearly failed", Nate said

"Then, let's do better", Ella stated, Nate walked up and grabbed the bucket, later filling it up with water found in the cave; then passed it to Sam, who put it in the wheel, soon after, four light appeared on the wheel, one on the top of the wheel, the three on the lower wheel

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