The Pirates of New Devon

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"Well, I guess that's one way to quash a rebellion", Nate said, walking forward and observing the many gibbets around the area

"I have to wonder if this was always the plan", Elena asked

"Slaughter all the colonists... not likely", Ella stated, "Avery was recruiting, why would he slaughter recruits",

"To lure them here in hopes of finding a utopia", Elena asked, "only to rob them of everything they have",

"Well, we are dealing with a bunch of pirates", Nate said

"That is diabolical, even for pirates", Elena said

"Pirates will be pirates", Ella said, the question was left up in the air as the three climbed around the many gibbets and up to the wall of New Devon, as the three looked around, the whole area was flooded, ruins of mansions lie scattered, most underwater, but what caught everyone's eye was the grand mansion... Avery's mansion.

"Wow... welcome to Avery's neighborhood", Nate greeted

"It's a nice place, if you don't mind some structural problems and water damage", Elena stated

"Drainage issues, and the many skeletons in the front", Ella added

"A real fixer-upper opportunity", Elena said

"Looks like someone blew that dam and then flooded the whole place", Ella stated, looking through Nate's binoculars

"Stop that", Nate said, taking the binoculars back

"Nope", Ella teased with a smile

"Alright, so which one of these do you think is Avery's", Elena asked

"My money's on that one, the one that's still intact", Nate stated, pointing towards the mansion, Elena pulled out a pair of binoculars, and looked at the mansion

"Shit, shit", Elena muttered, gaining Nate and Ella's attention

"What", Nate asked

"The front door, Elena said, passing the binoculars to Ella as Nate held his own up, there, the two saw Rafe, Nadine, and Sam, right in front of the front door, Sam was being pushed forward

"Sam", Nate muttered

"He's still alive", Elena said

"For now", Ella said, handing the binoculars back to Elena, the three jumped into the water and began swimming over towards a ruined house, and climbing around the houses that were still intact, going through Christopher Condent's house, and even taking out the Shoreline goons that were in the way, and seeing about what had happened there; from what they could tell, a fight between the founders was going on, but for what was the question... as the three neared Avery's mansion, they arrived into another house near Avery's, Thomas Tew's mansion; entering a room, many skeletons were sitting at a table, which shocked everyone in the room, but what made them curious, there were two empty chairs

"Good lord", Elena said in shock

"Looks like we found the party", Nate said

"One we're late to", Elena said

"Guy's, look", Ella called out, holding up a small wood piece with a sigil on it

"Another sigil", Nate said, before noticing the other sigils on the table, "Oh my god...",

"What", Elena asked

"It's them... the pirate captains that founded Libertalia", Nate stated in shock

"What happened here", Ella asked

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