"Can I come in?"

"I was about to leave." Jack says, opening the door with purse in one hand and her car keys in the other.

"Oh I was hoping we could talk?" Leon asked.

"I need to get home and pack so.."

"Just a quick chat? Your flight's not till next Tuesday." He smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

"Actually I changed it.. I leave the day after tomorrow."

"Oh that soon?"

"The reason I was going to wait till next week.. uh well let's just say it doesn't matter now so why not leave early? Ya know why the h*ll not!" Jack threw her hands in the air.


Gibbs came down the stairs of his basement, walked over to his work bench and found his bourbon bottle and poured the brown liquid into an old mason jar.

He scoffed to himself and tossed it back in one swallow.

Then he heard the top step of the basement creak. "You wouldn't happen to have any of that you'd care to share would ya?"

"Yeah.." Gibbs answered, turning around. "But on two conditions." Then he handed Tobias a second mason jar.

"Thanks, what conditions?" Tobias said, taking a sip of the bourbon.

"First, why are ya here?"

"Well funny story, apparently my house now has termites, Emily went back to her dorm so she's all good to go but I can't stay home because "safety hazards" and whatever and I need somewhere-

Gibbs glared at Tobias. "That's it?"

"Yeah Jetho I just need a bed, some bourbon and maybe some food."

"You're not here because of the team?"

"No, why? Did something with you and your team?"

"Did any of 'em talk to you?" Gibbs asked skeptically.

"Whaaaat? No of course not... well maybe but I was coming over anyway." Fornell shrugged.

Gibbs rolled his eyes, then he refilled his cup. "Second condition, we are not gonna talk about why McGee called you. Got it?"

"Got it, no talking about trouble in paradise."

Gibbs raised an eyebrow and shook his head before walking to his boat and giving it a once over.

"I'm not gonna talk about it, but if ya ever need to talk about your love life you know who you can talk too."

"Yeah, I can talk to Phil." Gibbs said with a straight face.

"What! Please don't tell me you've been confiding in Phil! I've known you longer, not to mention we've shared a wife for Pete's sake!"

Gibbs smiled.

"YOU'RE MEAN!" Fornell slapped Gibbs' shoulder. "You know that?"

Gibbs smiled and shook his head. "So I've been told."

"But look I am sorry about you and Jack, you two were pretty cute together."

"Pretty cute? What are we back in middle school?"

"All I'm saying is it's too bad that's all Gibbs." Fornell put his hand on Gibbs' shoulder.

"Yeah whatever, she's the one who's moving, not me!" He said, shaking off Fornell's hand.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that either.."

"Yeah well I didn't know till about an hour ago.."

Oh, is she staying close, maybe it's not that far."

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