A Fun Afternoon

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(sorry I haven't post anything because of school, I don't get enough time to make a new chapter)

(Slightly swearing)

Tanqr's POV:

I felt pretty calmed after cuddling with Kreek, but still, I got this weird feeling. I can't tell what it is and it happens whenever I'm around Kreek, I think I might had a little crush on him. Though I did kiss him a couple times but I'm not really sure he actually had the same feelings I had.

So I had a dumb question to ask him something.

Tanqr: Hey Kreek?

Kreek: What is it?

Tanqr: Uh, do you like-

Tanqr: Sh1t, I meant, are you single or anything like that?

Kreek: ..

Kreek: No, I had a girlfriend before.

Tanqr: Oh..

Kreek: Well.. Our relationship was terrible, she ended up breaking up with me..

Kreek: She also took a lot of stuff with her too, especially my money.

Tanqr: ...

Kreek: So that's why I had to work, but I tried to work at McDonalds and ended up getting fired in day 4.

Tanqr: Oh Kreek..

I hugged him slightly tighter but not too tight like I did 5 minutes ago, It did made me feel a bit better already because Kreek is so warm.

I noticed Kreek was wiping his eyes which I knew how he awful he felt.

I kissed his forehead and hug him closer to me, by then his head was on my chest.

Still, I can hear him sniffling a bit then he stopped.

He fell asleep on me, he was awfully cute to be honest.

So I carried Kreek in a bridal style again and went upstairs to my bedroom. I put Kreek on my bed and let him rest for a bit, I didn't feel sleepy so I just sat on my chair while scrolling through Twitter.

Then I felt Kreek was tugging my leg pants, I was only 2 feet away from him.

Kreek: T-Tanqr..

Kreek: I'm c-cold..

So Kreek was cold, that's why.

I decided to just get in bed with him and have more cuddles.

I actually felt warm pretty quickly as well while I was cuddling Kreek, his head burred into my chest and fell back asleep again.

I wasn't able to sleep with him, like I said, I'm not sleepy.

So I just cuddled with Kreek whilst still looking through Twitter stuff.

Suddenly, I found a fanart that someone has made of-

Me and Kreek?

The art looks impressive, I gotta say.

And cute.

New Job (Tanqrcraft)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon