Cashier woman came to visit

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(I apologize for not updating, I left Wattpad for a while because of mental health. But I'm much better now. I'll try my best to updating as much as possible since school is going to start for me)

(Sabrina didn't actually leave, I was just feeling a little silly and pretend that she left)

As Timmeh opened the door, they came face to face with-

"Oh mi gosh hewoo Sabwina I'M SUCH A BIG FAN! PWEASE COME IN"
Timmeh let Sabrina inside the house then closed the door behind her, it sure was freezing outside, with all the snow. Timmeh then gave Sabrina a big hug.

"Hey Tanqr, oooh nice jacket you got there, I didn't know you had them in your closet." Sabrina said, letting go of Timmeh. Tanqr looked away embarrassed, "Yeahh I didn't know I had them too. The kid picked it out for me from my closet "

Sabrina smirked, "I must say, Timmeh has some good taste in clothes" Timmeh smiled, "Awwww Thank you Sabwina <33"

"It's not a big deal kid0" Sabrina calmly said, patting Timmeh's head. He had the softest hair everrrrrr!!!

"hey Kreek, I heard you are working as a maid for Tanqr is that right? I heard from Chizeled and Pghl." Sabrina turned to look at Kreek. It must be such an awkward moment for the Kreek and Tanqr because they all stood there silently waiting for one of them to speak up. And Kreek was the first to speak up by just pretending to laughed it off. "Whattt??? Phht- noo! Definitely not, we're just dressing up!" Sabrina can tell Kreek was lying, "Oh really? By being his prostitute?"

Tanqr started giggling and glanced over at Kreek as he flushed, feeling the heat building up instead him. "What's a pwostitude?" Timmeh asked, never heard of that word before.

Tanqr started, "A prostitute is someone that-"

Before he could finish, Kreek kicked him in the crotch getting a painful yelp out of him.

"Not in front of the kid dickhead!" Kreek growled quietly.

"Ooooh that must've hurt" Sabrina grimaced. "It has to, so he could shut his nasty mouth." Tanqr curled into a balled on the ground and winced and groaned. "Ignore him, he'll get up in a bit. Anyways, Timmeh you don't need to know the word prostitute. You'll understand the word when you're older." Kreek turned to Timmeh. "But whyyyy papa Kweek???" He whined,"no means no Timmeh, I will tell you what it means when you are ready. You just have to wait." Timmeh made a mad expression on his face and huffed. He didn't want to wait, because he thinks he's a big boy now and because he's so curious he wants to know what prostitute means now. "Fine!"

"Ffffffucckkkkkkk you hit my balls" Tanqr moaned, still lying on the floor and pressed both of his hands against his crotch. "I hope you learn that lesson not to teach kids bad things in their youth age." Kreek calmly said and turns to look at Sabrina, who was standing by the television."Sabrina what are you doing here, do you need anything or what?"

"I was thinking.... If we could go to the mall together. To get some cozy sweaters." Sabrina shrugged then smiled, she loved to go shopping and it was on of Sabrina's favorite hobbies. She tried to bring Russo and DJ with her so she doesn't feel lonely shopping all by herself but they don't always wanted to go with her.

"Sabrina it's snowing mega bad outside, you really wanna go out?? There's too much snow on the roads." Kreek said in a slight nervous tone. "come on Kreek, Russo and DJ rejected me. Plus the mall is indoors, it won't even get inside." Sabrina pleased.

"Please you guys? I really don't wanna go by myself again" She frowned, Kreek shouldn't say no. It wouldn't be nice, besides they didn't have anything to do either. Except they had to finish getting the things from Kreek's house because Tanqr thought it would be a good idea for Kreek, aka his maid to move in with him so it would be easier and Kreek doesn't have to go back and forth from his house to Tanqr's. It would be pretty tiring, along with all the snow outside blocking the sidewalks too.

"Ahhh fuck," Tanqr grunted, struggled to stand up and held on to the nearest wall for support. "We still have to take care of Kreek's belongings." Sabrina titled her head slightly in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"Uh, I'm moving in... With him." Kreek nervously muttered. "OHHH YOU ARE??? THAT'S AMAZING" Sabrina exclaimed. "What's amazing about that?" Tanqr, who finally spoke up.

"Never mind! So let's go to mall?" Sabrina asked, a little too excited."Well me and Kreek said we were gonna finish the rest of his things by morning. We're just about to head out." Tanqr scratched the back of his head.

"No worries, mind if I help? We can finish quicker that way and then go shopping afterwards?" Sabrina kindly asked, she's always so nice to people. Just don't get her on nerves.

"You're welcome the help out if you want to, I'm fine with either." Kreek smiled,"papa Kweek I'm gwonna steal all your snacks!  >:33" Timmeh made a devil ish laughing noise. "Muaheeheheheheheheh >:)"

"OhHh nOoOoo dOnT sTeAl My sNaCkSsSs!" Kreek said in a pretending scared voice.

And everyone laughed.

(Now you guys wait for the next chapter lol because I'm too lazy to write more. At least I'm active again ok, have a great day/night y'all. It's night time for me the time I posted this so GNNNNN)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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