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Finally unable to contain the flow of growth they snapped in half flopping off her shoulders. As Raven’s boobs flopped forward and slapped her upper torso sitting at the much bigger size. Of Triple Ds, where they were only small but normal A cups before.

Despite the increased weight and pull on more back Raven paid it no mind, as she stayed focused on the screen in front of her.

"You're growing thick and plump. You feel yourself getting nice and fat. Just how every pregnant woman should be but much more. You can feel your thighs widen and behind bulge. Not to mention your luscious arms and thick love handles"

her arms inflated outwards.

The wiry quality her limbs usually carried was lost as she grew curvy, thick with a layer of cushioning cellulite. The same happened to her thighs as they more than doubled in width. Her yoga pants were stretched to the limit as the thick hams puffed up like dough in the oven.

Her hips jutted outwards in the weight gain, adding girth for the babies that would no doubt come later. Strains could be seen just from how tight they were becoming on her.

Not to mention how her ass seemed to explode outwards, gaining a new level of jiggle and pudge as they grew. Her ass puffed out, up so much that her pants were cradling each of her ass cheeks, looking enormous on her rather small frame.

All in all she looked around 30 pounds heavier, yet she still hadn't noticed. In golfed by the circling spiral on her computer, still she sniggered in disbelief obvious to her heavier body.

Raven had never been heavy to begin with but she was now nearing 200 pounds from the sudden gain. Her belly was a bit distended by the extra weight, but the male voice continued to whisper in her ear.

"And for your hair. Do you see that pregnant glow on your friend? Well even now your hair is growing thicker and shinier, falling down your back in a soft wave. Got to have the locks to match the rest of your maternal glow big mommy.”

True to the man's words, that’s exactly what happened the brunettes short hair. That fell just below her ears shot downwards, gaining several inches in length, as it went all the way to the small of her back. It shined from the maternal glow, that was starting to take effect, it became curvy.

Falling down her back in waves as the tips grew, they began to curl. As the whole of her hairdo started to grow glossy and thicker all together the ends stopping at the beginning of her inflated ass.

"Now finally. The finishing touch. You're swelling up.  babies are growing inside you. they're swelling and bloating in your belly as your womb puffs up. You're getting huge, but you love it don't you? You love being so big, fat and pregnant more than any human. Being unable to see your feet. Feeling all the painful kicks inside you. Painfull Screams of joy cause You love being the most big round baby mama carrying all that huge amount of weight.”

She stared dumbly at the screen, her mouth handing open as she reached down to cradle her flat stomach. Within the space of a few seconds, she began to pump up, as if one had stuck an air hose into her and was filling her up with gas. It pushed outwards, rolling her already strained T-shirt upwards as her slightly chubby gut developed into a sizable dome of pale fatness.

It pushed outwards swelling up quickly, her flesh rolled out to six months pregnant. Continuing to swell and tighten, developing into a plush globe of pale flesh that pushed the rim of her shirt all the way up to the summit of the belly, to meet her sagging milk sacks that had begun to leak little patches of moisture.

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