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Somewhere in the Woods

[Breathing Heavily]

An 8 year old Arashi was running through the woods late at night. He couldn't believe it! His mother was killed. By his own father!

He had tears running through his eyes. He could barely see out of his eye by how much his eyes were watering.

Arashi:[Crying] Why me?! Why?!

He just kept on running and running not knowing where to go. He didn't care all he wanted was to get away from his father.

Arashi then began to get tired, he's been running for about an hour non stop. He looked over and seen a cave.

Arashi: A cave! Maybe I could sleep there for the night.

He then walked into the cave. When he walked into the cave he saw some weird drawing on the cave walls.

 When he walked into the cave he saw some weird drawing on the cave walls

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Arashi: What is this?

Arashi's attention was then taken by a bright light in the cave. The light was so blinding. Arashi slowly walked toward the light. The closer he got then calmer he felt.

Arashi: What the?

That's when he saw five very colorful balls flying at him. They then collided with his body knocking him out. Arashi layed there knocked out.

Inside Arashi

???: Is he waking up?

???: Of course he is! Don't you see his eyes opening?!

???:[Sniffling] You don't have to be so mean!

???: Now look what you did, Hinote!

Hinote: Hmph!

???: Now, now calm down the little fella, waking up?

???: I hope he's strong!

Arashi slowly opened his eyes and groaned from being knocked out.

He then fully opened his eyes to see he was on top a beautiful him with 5 people standing around him. He was so surprised that he flew back.

Arashi: AH!

He then started to hyperventilate as he brought his knees to his chest. Then a girl with white hair kneeled down in front of him.

???: Hey, Hey. It's okay. You don't have to be afraid. We won't hurt you.

???: He doesn't look that strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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