Chapter 5 - Things really are complicated.

Start from the beginning

Stig went out to call them.

-Stig's POV

I talked to Jay and the situation was under control and we were happy once again. It made me smile, it made me really, really happy.

"The gang's outside, they want to see you." I told Jay.

"Okay, I want to see them too. It's been weeks since we last saw each other." Jay replied with a laugh.

I went outside to call the guys.
"I talked to him, I explained everything and Jay understood me. Everything is settled. Now you can go in and see him, he's waiting for you" I instructed them happily.

"So what, are you saying we're you're last resort??" Davis joked while Violet went straight to the door and opened it, everyone followed her inside.

"J... Jay. Are you okay?" She asked her voice cracking down.

"I'm good Violet, I'm strong and a little cut can't end my life. I'm so powerful." Jay said laughing and seem so energetic.

"Thank God! You scared the living daylights out of me." Violet said.

Violet wiped her tears and went closer to Jay to give him a hug. She hugged him softly and gave him a little peak on the forehead.

"And you promise us you won't do that again right?" Kyle asked.

"He didn't even promise us yet!!!" Davis interrupted.

"Okay, okay I promise I won't ever do that again. I promiseeeeeeeeee" Jay shouted happily.

"Jay, don't ever let people get you down, you will bounce back in no time. Everything will work itself out, don't let it worry you. Everyone in this room loves you, no one wants to loose you. Not even that dick of a brother you have, Stig loves you. You will be okay" Violet said in a serious tone.

Jay looked at everyone and said "Guys, I made a mistake, and I promise to never do it again. I'm so sorry!!" He reassured.

"It's okay. Mistakes happen, we all make mistakes. The only thing we can do is learn from them and not to repeat them." Davis said.

"Thank you Davis. And thank you all for being here with me. Thank you so much." Jay said appreciatively.

It was time to leave but I couldn't go anywhere, Violet too. Davis and Kyle said their goodbyes to Jay and they left leaving me and Violet at the hospital.

-Jay's POV

My life was saved. I really appreciated how everyone took care of me. My brother and The Gang were really worried and I regretted doing what I just did.

"Leaving me alone to handle my emotions is a recipe for disaster." I said to myself looking at my bandaged wrist remembering what happened. It was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Stig and Violet stayed at the hospital the entire night. Stig fell asleep on the hospital bench while Violet was waiting for the sun to arrive, I couldn't sleep either.

She'd come in the ward to keep me company, but mostly to make sure that I wouldn't do anything crazy. She's really sweet, Stig is one hell of a lucky boy to have her.

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