The silence remained for the rest of the flight, Lorenzo holding Lillian tighter as they landed, Marco had to wake up Luca, seeing as he slept through the bumpy landing and everything.

Luca and  Marco were the first to get off, making sure the car was pulled up and ready for Lorenzo.

Once it was, Lorenzo got up, making sure Lillian was right up in his arms, so she wouldn't fall or anything, not that he would ever let that happen.

As he walked out and down the stairs, the wind immediately hit them, making Lillian shiver in his arms, and move impossibly close to her Which Lorenzo immediately noticed, moving his jack to cover as much as he could as he walked to get in the warm car.

It was nighttime there, making the temperature drop meaning it was surprisingly cold. 

Lillian immediately settled in the car from the warmth and safety she felt, which made Lorenzo sigh in content before nodding for the go ahead for them to leave.

After another thirty-five minute car ride, The large black SUV pulled up to a Black Large gate that had the initial 'R' on it. The gate was connected to a Brick wall that covered the entire property, making sure it was all safe.

Even though it was unclimbable, Lorenzo still had forty to fifty men  all night walking and checking all night to keep it secure. Not just for his safety, but now for LIllian.

It was another fifteen minute drive before the large mansion was even in view, it being settled far away from the main highway for more safety measures.

As the car came to a stop, Lorenzo could see a large group of his men waiting for him at the steps that led to the front door. He sighed before opening the door, and gathering Lillian easier in his arms.

As he walked towards the front of the house, he stopped in front of them, seeing the group of men all looking at the sleeping girl in his arms.

Some had small looks of adoration, some of their faces were blank, but they were for the most part, they had confusion written all over their faces.

Lorenzo cleared his throat, catching most of the attention of the men.

"This is Lillian, she will be here for a while, you will all be debriefed about the situation tomorrow by Luca or Marco. She's to be protected and kept safe at all times, which means I'm upping some security.'' Lorenzo said as he watched them and their reactions. He heard a small amount of groans from some of the men in the back, at the sound of new jobs, which Lorenzo did not like one bit.

"If you have a problem with that, you can come directly to me, now go back to the warehouse, you'll be assigned new jobs tomorrow. " And with that Lorenzo walked up the stairs and into the house, Marco and Luca trailing behind.

"Give me a moment." Lorenzo said not looking back as he climbed the set of stairs to the third floor, his floor.

The house had a total of three floors, the first one having all the essential things a home has, a large kitchen, that connected to a larger dining room for when they had meetings or any type of dinner. The floor also held  a living room, as well as a couple of bathrooms and a few guest rooms. 

The second floor was where Lorenzo's home office was, as well as a large meeting room that could hold about  half of his men at a time, as well as a library, a gym and a couple more guest rooms, which were honestly empty.

The third floor was Lorenzo's, it was off limits to anyone other than Lorenzo himself and the cleaners that come and clean the whole mansion every week, or anyone Lorenzo allowed to.  It held a large master bedroom that had a walk in closet the size of the other regular guest rooms downstairs. As well as an attached bathroom the same size. There were also a few other rooms that were the same size as Lorenzo's, and the rest of the rooms were empty as well.

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