Best Laid Plans

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"All of this ends today," Kinsey growls as she walks into her room, and grabbing a key from her shelf, she walks back out.

Downstairs, Tyler waited outside with Duncan, Bode, and Scot. Scot had come because she had called him and filled him in on the previous day's events at the Winter Fest, as well as for help with her plan.

Erin had packed up and left a few hours after getting back from the festival. Maybe it was something Duncan had said, or maybe she realized that by herself she couldn't do anything. Or, maybe it was the fact that she almost died that made her leave. They don't know, they just got a letter. But now, they have a plan. To avenge her.

Kinsey ran through the house and took the steps two at a time. She couldn't let Gabe live another second.

Some part of her grew sad at that thought, remembering all of the good times they had shared. But all that was overshadowed by the betrayal she felt from his lies. She couldn't let herself feel remorse. Not for him. Especially not now.

She approached the front door and snatched a copy of the keys for the house. Going outside, she could see Scot's trunk open, and him looking over it. He looked to be searching through it for something, and Kinsey took a breath to prepare herself.

She locked the door quickly and walked down the stairs. Tyler looked up and saw her from where he stood behind Scot. His eyes searched hers, checking to see if she was okay after everything yesterday. She nodded and managed a smile.

"Kinsey!" Scot called, an unsure smile on his face. She gave him a reassuring look and walked up to hug him. They wrapped their arms around each other, and Kinsey inhaled deeply. Part of her felt safe, but another felt like this was wrong. On top of that, another part of her wanted fast food. Too many conflicting emotions at the moment.

Tyler shifted on his feet behind them, and Scot finally pulled away to look into Kinsey's eyes.

"Hey, I came as soon as I got your text." He placed a hand on her cheek. "Are you alright?" He asked in his sweet and caring British accent. Kinsey smiles but felt her stomach turn. Somehow, this was wrong. She didn't want it to be, but it was.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kinsey lied with another fake smile. No point in making them worry. There was nothing they could do, nothing anyone could do. Only Kinsey could fix it. But how?

"Listen," Kinsey changes the subject. "I need a ride. Could you take me?" She nods to Scot's car. He nodded but cocked his head.

"Where to? Is it for the plan?" He questioned, shoving his hands in his pockets while trying to hide his shivers. It was still freezing outside. "Oh, wait, hold that thought." He points to Kinsey, then goes back to his trunk.

She and Tyler watch him as he begins his search around in the trunk again.

"You sure you're alright?" Tyler asks gently, trying not to push it. Kinsey just nodded, feeling sick. She never wanted to lie to the people she loves, least of all her family and friends. It was better though than them worrying over her. This was something she had to carry herself. It was her choice to date Gabe, so she would fix this. Luckily, they had agreed to help her. She sighed and jumped a little as Scot turned around quickly.

"Aha!" He yells triumphantly. He pulls out a box of chocolates and hands it to Kinsey. She looks down at it with an amused grin.

"What, are you going to say some cliche thing about how life is like a box of chocolates?" Kinsey giggles. Scot smiled.

"No, I know you don't care about that. You always say it's the thought that counts," He shoved his hands back in his pockets nervously. "So, I got you chocolates. They always make me happy."

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