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Gabe trudges along in the snow, Kinsey behind him. They made their way through the school campus, looking for Tyler and whoever else they could find.

Kinsey had asked him if they could go look for them, just to go talk to her family. Tell them that she's okay. He had agreed, although somewhat reluctantly. In the end, it didn't really matter what he wanted though, Kinsey was going.

So there they were walking past the buildings just looking for a familiar face. As they did, Kinsey heard a twig snap in the forest. Her head turned toward the sound. She looked between Gabe and the woods. A figure moved through the trees. It looked like a tall and broad-shouldered figure, dressed in red. She looked at it in confusion. Who was skulking in the bushes when they could just walk out in the open?

Deciding to follow them, Kinsey snuck away. She was sure Gabe would be mad and concerned when he realized she'd left. But she didn't care.

Creeping after the figure, she avoided all deep snow and stepped softly so as to be quieter. As Kinsey got closer, she could see that it was a man wearing a British redcoat uniform from the revolution. He had whispy dust-coloured hair.

Finally, he reached a clearing, and he crouched down in the bushes. On the other side was the school's campus. Kinsey looked through the trees in front of him and saw four people standing out in the open. One was Gabe, and the other three were all people she wanted to see. Tyler, Bode and Scot.

What was this man doing watching them? She glanced down at the necklace and reached up to turn the key. She twists it so it's flat against the pendant again. A series of locks click and activate, giving Kinsey a sense of adrenaline. She has a weird feeling and flexes her fingers.

What is this key?


Gabe was walking with Kinsey through the campus, and after a while of looking for her brother, they finally found them.

He could see Tyler standing with Scot and Bode, talking. He couldn't hear them, so he walked closer.

Scot looked up and noticed him, the smile on his face falling.

"Gabe," Scot said.

"Yeah, that's who we're looking for." Tyler scoffed, hands in his pockets.

"No, I mean, Gabe," Scot says, pointing to the echo walking up to them.

Tyler and Bode spun to see him coming closer, and all three boys tensed up.

"What are you doing here?" Tyler questioned,

"I'm here to-" Gabe started.

"No!" Scot yelled, aggressively walking toward him. "You took Kinsey, turned her into a demon." He said, now in his face and jabbing a finger into Gabe's chest.

Gabe took a step back, scoffing.

"I'm here because of Kinsey..." He turned around to look at her but she wasn't there. "Who is supposed to be here? Where the hell did she go?" He asks, spinning in a circle. He looked back at the three boys, all of them looking at him in confusion. "Look, I can explain..." He states, hands up and backing away from them.

"Explain? What the hell do you think you can explain?" Tyler said, walking up beside Scot.

"Uh..." Gabe starts, not knowing how to continue. He looks back and forth between the two, knowing he's stuck. Where did she go?

A slight movement caught his eye in the tree line. He looked in that direction and saw a person wearing red hiding. He knew he wouldn't have seen it if he wasn't looking.

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