A normal morning in Rojanapat-Suthiluck Household

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" Shites! " James rolled the newspaper and slapped the table they were having morning tea at .

" JJ I would appreciate if you speak any legible arrangements of words rather than exclaiming profanities in all the languages known to you " Kong deadpanned from behind the newspaper he was reading while listening to James's antics.

" Ai Kong," James made hus best puppy dog eyes "If I murder someone, will you bail me out ? "

"If you do it in self defense, may be yes."

" Will murdering Ruarej's dumb ass count as self defense? "

Kong didn't have to even spare a glance at his childhood friend to guess the source of his frustration.
" worried about the Stock crash after divorce ? "

" Obviously. " James grunted " Ruarej is getting divorce with his wife because he couldn't keep it in his pants. Stocks will plummet like crazy as soon as the news goes out. I have it on good sources that soon to be ex Mrs. Ruarej is gonna go all out on him with proofs and all that media hulabaloo."

" As any decieving man deserves " Kong replied, turning his attention to the local news section of newspaper.
" Cheating on your partner is not acceptable under any condition. "

"I don't fucking care what Ruarej deserves " James clenched his fingers, taking a deep breath he unclenched his fist, taut shoulders relaxed a little
" What I know is that I don't deserve this loss, we don't deserve this loss. I have stupidly invested shit tones in it, it looked so promising at that time.  people should understand he does business with his brains not his dick...Bastard should have signed a prenup or some kind of agreement or something, before sticking his dick in wherever he pleased. Seven year itch my ass... " James ran his hands through his curls,ended up fisting and pulling the wavy locks in frustration.

" I advised you against the investment." Kong supplied calmly. "Character of the man matters as much as the brain and money. Facing a rough patch in life doesn't justify cheating in any circumstances. "

" I know okay." James yelled " I know I am badly screwed and in turn I fucked us up. I am thinking all night but can not find a way out if it... "

" How many times do I tell you not to use the f-word for me? "

" Seriously ? Is that what you are worried about ? Me using f-word?" James gaped at Kongpob, the newspaper actually, since Kong was yet to show his face.

"Only Arthit can do me literally or metaphorically. I don't appreciate anyone else suggesting it in any manner, meaning or not, friends or not."

"Can you spend 15 minutes without mentioning Rojanapat in a conversation? "

" Sure, When I am sleeping."

Scowling, James snatched the newspaper hiding Kong's expression from him. "I have had enough of your sarcastic ass. Look at me while I'm talking. "

" If I start doing so, I will have to look at you whole day. "

"Atleast you would be looking at an artwork. Ever heard, 'a thing of beauty is joy forever ' ?"

" Not that I remember " Kong replied with a poker face " I do remember learning ' much ado about nothing."

" You don't get to lecture me about it when your husband is biggest narcissist I have ever met."

" Rightfully so ... "

" What do you mean ? I am in no ways less than him . Have you seen this face ?"

" More than I would like to. Your point though ?"

" That burnt Suthiluck... I can take a stab against anything but my face. "

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