First day

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Arthit twisted and turned in his bed , yet was unable to find a comfortable position. He tried it all, sleeping on stomach, on back, deep inhale -exhale. Nothing worked. His mind just wasn't ready to switch off and let his body sleep.

It was first day in two years of his university journey that Kong wouldn't be here. Even in the initial days of their reluctant camaraderie,  Kong was a constant presence in the form of the window kept ajar, enough to give pretense of it being locked to outsiders and for Kong to know that he was welcome. Even when Kong would opt to stay his nights at physics department or computer faculty, he knew Kong would be returning at dawn, before first rays would reach their room. He knew that Kong would use bathroom early so Arthit wouldn't be late. Later, in the phases from unsaid friendship to love, he knew Kong would climb down the window and sigh at the blanket Arthit had kicked down in sleep. He would cover Arthit again with blanket, drop a quick kiss and get to his business.

And all of this suddenly evaporated along with Kongpob's stuff, there was no trace of Kongpob on other side of room except a sticky note at his bedside table.

" Your smile has now become objective of my life. "

Arthit had plucked it and stored it carefully along with their early conversations. Although he would like to think Kongpob's move wouldn't  change anything between them, he knows so much has already changed, atleast physically.

Knowing Kongpob, the earlier words were more than just a poetic declaration of love. His Kong had vowed to keep his smile lifelong, that simply meant the stubborn male was gonna work his ass off to give all that he thinks Arthit deserves. Everything seasoned with grandeur of Suthiluck status — probably a comfortable life, huge savings, diamond ring all all that hoopla. Arthit doesn't really care much if Kong would be able to give him all that or not, he only wanted Kongpob's presence and love in his life, also mutual respect. Love without respect is nothing afterall.

What Arthit knows without a doubt is that Kong will achieve all that he had set his eyes upon and much more. The man had singular, laser focus — and it scared Arthit like nothing else. Root of his insecurities lied in Kong's habit of maniacal focus. He fears, in the race of success, he will fade in the background.
Only time will tell the secrets of future. What he knows is that he will fight tooth and nail for his love, their future. For the day where he can again lie in Kong's arms. A day where he would know, Kong would be waiting for them to have breakfast, for the day where he could watch Kong laughing because of silly things he did. For the day that has recently been swept under tide of chase of career.

Arthit glanced back at the window, shut tight, glasses illuminated with the street lamp. The latched blot just didn't sit right with him, climbing down the bed, he strode to the window and unlatched it. Yanking it open , he felt the cool midnight breeze caressing his face, down the road, everything was just like any other day — guards patrolling, trees rustling, a thick branch still reaching the window – which Kong wouldn't be able to use as his royal pathway.

Arthit shut the window ajar —the thought of  shutting it completely made his heart heavy. As if he was closing all doors for Kongpob.
" I may shut the doors tight when you are being stupid but I will always leave the window open for you to climb in, Kong-monkey-pob." Arthit whispered to himself, tears sprang in his eyes, throat clogged painfully, he fisted his fists and breathed deep — CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND GO TO SLEEP ARTHIT ROJANAPAT, UNLESS,YOU WANT KONG  TO BLAME HIMSELF SEEING YOUR DARK CIRCLES ON VIDEO CALL TOMORROW MORNING.

Chiding himself thoroughly, he rushed back to his bed. Again trying all the method he knew for sleeping , again it all went to waste. Arthit contemplated listening some guided meditation on YouTube or some hypnotism shit that would put him to sleep, whatever gets the job done. He pressed the side button to check the time in his mobile— the screen lit up revealing thousand watts smile of one Kongpob Suthiluck — the sudden sense of void punched him deep in the gut.

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