Chapter 9

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Nancy and Ace headed to the historical society in Ace's car, together and both somewhere in their minds wanted to wind this up quickly so that they can once be back in each other's arms. If anyone was getting more affected by this UNPLANNED emergency, that was Ace, and Nancy could see him bothered already but won't say it loud

"Ace, you okay?!" Nancy questioned him as Ace parked Florence on the side of the road, a few steps away from cops cars

"If okay means spending peaceful time with my girlfriend, then no I'm not-" Ace added in an annoying tone, which made Nancy scoff a bit, but she didn't want to show Ace that she is actually enjoying this sweet tortured Ace and also the word "girlfriend" sent Butterflies in her tummy, she had no idea at this point whether to smile or kiss Ace; she simply couldn't hold her blush, "girlfriend huh?!"

Ace turned to her with a pout, and it did confirm to Nancy how annoyed he was that they had to cut off there, whatever was happening in his room prior to this;
"Relax Ace, I was just mocking you; And don't worry this gonna be over soon and we both can have a nice time together, alone, maybe a road trip, you with Florence and me in my cute little blue car," Nancy further goofed around trying to make Ace smile

"That's your idea of going together?! What's the use than If I can't hold you or watch you fall asleep when I'm driving," Ace added to Nancy, and little did he was knowing that she enjoyed torturing him, especially now after she knew how much this was hurting him that he is not able to hold her; the flustration was real that was seen on his face

"Point taken... Anyways let's get to the others, George texted they are at the left side of the entrance" Nancy added glancing at her phone just before Ace nodded and both got out of the car heading to meet others

"I swear, if I knew who the frozen heart killer was, I would have killed him and sent him into hell before he even ruined my time with you" Ace added once again in an annoying tone, which made Nancy giggle a little,
"Woah... Ace, You really are feeling something beyond-" and before Nancy could continue the sentence, Ace pulled her behind a tree and pinning her, he kissed her deeply and added, "you have no idea what I'm feeling right now; And kissing you all over by ripping this little blue dress off you is definitely the top priority," and those words had Nancy in shock; she had seen Ace romantic around Laura or Amanda, but mostly as a protective, caring, loving boyfriend but what he was feeling around or saying to Nancy, at this moment was way beyond her imagination

"If that's what you want then, I won't even stop you," Nancy replied looking into his eyes filled with desire for her and bit her own lip and Ace could tell she was trying to resist how she was feeling right now towards him and trying to stay normal coz she didn't want their friends to know that they are, kinda getting together, definitely not yet

"Good, or I would have not even let you sleep tonight until I kiss you all over" Ace replied starring back into his eyes and somewhere his words were turning her on and also making her fall for Ace even more

"If I haven't replied to George's text, I would have said, fuck this and asked you to take me back inside Florence and do all that you want with me right now" that's it! She finally said it, because everything he was saying or doing to her was touching her soul

"Believe me, I will fulfill your that wish sooner than you think," he replied with a desperate desire in his eyes, "So let's make this quick" and Nancy nodded and they both headed towards the location where George and others were

The two acted normal infront of others but somewhere Ace couldn't forget the idea of how sweet she smelled, her hair, her soft skin; even tho they didn't even get naked entirely, but something was pulling him towards her like anything, she was like a drug to him which he was just beginning to get addicted

"Okay, we will talk about this tomorrow at the Claw, since tomorrow is our day off, we have plenty of time to discuss how the victim is connected to other victims, and if we are lucky, that will get us a step closer to our real killer" Nancy concluded as the five were walking back towards their rides

"Wow, that was a fast wrap up from Drew for the first time since... forever" George had to say this because she nor others, nor Ace saw Nancy being so low on her detective work;
"Yeah I'm a little stressed, guess dishes drained me, thanks to Ace for taking off-" Nancy acted normally, and just like the normal behavior she patted on Ace's arm, but she had no idea what her little touches were doing to Ace, now that especially they were tasting love for each other, "and besides there is a first for everything-" Nancy shrugged playing cool but George and Bess could see something was odd,
"That's odd coming from you Drew, what did you have today or where have you been after your shift, Nancy?"

If they knew where she was before heading, they won't even have a peaceful thought after that, "I had gone to check on Ace and I had amazing dinner made by Ace's mom-" Nancy replied glaring at Ace and back to the others;
"Yeah I can tell that already," George shrugged and sighed having no idea what Nancy was talking about or hiding

"Anyways, we'll both head off now, see you'll tomorrow, at the Claw" Nancy added with a little yawn, "good night guys"
"Yeah Good night, I'm gonna drop her to get house" Ace added too,
"Good night"
And as the three greeted them back, and they just knew something was odd that was happening

"Bess, don't tell me you practiced some stupid charm or magic again-" George added turning to Bess as they stood there while Nancy and Ace walked to Ace's car;
"Wha-?? No! I didn't George if I did I would have told you" Bess replied
"Whatever, but Drew being so chill, I'm not buying it, ever!" George admitted

"George, give her a break, maybe she is really tired, I mean she was covering her duty plus Ace's dishwashing, being the hero of horseshoe bay doesn't make her invincible" Nick added turning to George,
"Yeah, but still I find this fishy-" George just couldn't but Nancy's or Ace's behavior, like this morning he was sick and didn't return anyone's calls and suddenly he was all okay and being cool

The two on the other side,
"Nice bailing by the way-" Ace added complementing Nancy as he could finally have some time together with her and Nancy bailing them out was the sexiest thing he saw her doing for them;
"Yeah, what can I say, I had my word to keep-" Nancy winked at him in a playful tone,
"Very naughty, Nancy," Ace added putting his hand over her waist and grabbing her, "and sexy too" he whispered the last three words into his ear as they both headed towards Florence and sat

"You know we could go to my place if you want-" Nancy added closing the door,
"Ummm... I'm afraid that's not a good idea, coz you have two dad's and both dads are gonna kill me if they find me inside your locked room," Ace disagreed with her idea,
"Yeah, but... Wait a sec-" she paused as her phone buzzed;
"...seems like you are in luck that my both dads are out today for some, business party and something tells me that they won't be back till tomorrow morning-" Nancy showed him the text that Carson sent her saying;
'heading out with Ryan for a business party, kept you some bucks on the counter for food in case you haven't eaten your dinner'

and little did Nancy know that he will finally have what she dreamt for years, Ace, HER Ace in her arms, and it won't be any dreamscape or her subconscious, it will be real!


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