Chapter 4

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Ace nodded and replied, "thank you, Nancy"
"Of course" she smiled rubbing his shoulder gently before Ace left the Claw

Nancy exhaled as she watched him go, and turned to others, "okay, now I'll head to check on... Gil... If in case he can help in any way... For the sake of old times..."
"Yeah... But be careful there Nancy, Gil isn't a very calm person like Amanda" Nick warned,
"Noted!" Nancy gave a small forced smile and walked out of the Claw

A few mins later...
At the home of the Bobesseys

"Gil, how can you do this? How can you drag Ace into this? If you had something against Nancy, you can deal with her..." Amanda added yelling at her brother Ace when Nancy was just outside the door, above to knock,
"Ace isn't any saint Amanda if he helped dad with little favor so what?" Gil argued back,
"So what? Gil, Ace can get into jail for smuggling or whatever dad is into" Amanda replied,
"Ah, you don't worry about that... His little Drew Crew can keep him out of anything" Gil replied sarcastically

"Ahem..." Nancy added clearing the throat, to which the Bobessey twins turned towards the doorsteps where Nancy was standing,
"I came here to talk to Gil..." Nancy begins, "but...Amanda, now that you are here... and since... It looks like you already know... I might need your help..." Nancy added as Amanda walked to her,
"Nancy... I..." Amanda was just beginning to talk when Gil interrupted,
"Amanda... You can sell our dad's to these people"

"Gil, will you please let me talk...?" Amanda yelled at her twin aggressive brother, and turning back to Nancy she added, "Nancy, I'm sorry that Ace is into all this... If I knew this will get into this bad mess, I would never let Ace help dad"
"Wait... That means you knew about this?" Nancy questioned,
"What the hell you expect Nancy? Not all are full of betrayals like you" Gil sarcastically added before behind,
"Amanda... You still have time, go to the station and tell them about this, help them to find your dad and save Ace" Nancy tried to explain,
"Tell them where my dad is and he gets arrested for someone missing... And goes back to Jail... Hell no I'm not doing that" Amanda refused,
"Amanda, you gotta understand me... Ace is innocent... He can get into jail for something he didn't do, coz all the evidence is pointing towards him..." Nancy begins to explain,
"Yeah, I know... And I don't care... I mean your dad is a lawyer, right? You can do something as you do always and help Ace... That way my dad and Ace both are safe" Amanda added furiously,
"Amanda you don't get it... Ace is..." Nancy was explaining until Ace spoke from behind,
"Nancy... What are you doing here?"

"Ace..." Amanda added running to him and hugging him followed with a small kiss,
"I was trying to call you... You didn't pick... So I located your phone at your place, here... I didn't know you were back" Ace added looking at her,
"I just got back today... After dad texted me for help" she replied, "Ace I'm so sorry that this got to this extent... If I knew I would have never let you help dad... I just thought this is small business favors...till I'm back... And you can manage" Amanda added putting her arm around his neck,
"Wait... So you knew about this?" Amanda added taking her hands off him,
"Ace... We can fix this..." Amanda added,
"Yeah, just tell where your dad is... Let the cops decide" Amanda added,
"No... Ace... I can't do that... he is my dad...please" Amanda added trying to explain to Ace, "and, and You have friends...who can help you... But my dad is alone here... Nobody will believe he is innocent"

"Firstly, you don't know if he is innocent... Secondly, I need your help to prove myself as innocent..." Ace added,
"Then we can find out... Maybe..." Amanda added, "I just can't let them arrest dad again... I mean he just got out"
"So, you are okay with me going to the jail for something I never did?!" Ace questioned,
"We can figure this out..." Amanda added cupping his cheeks

"Ace, don't let her manipulate you" Nancy added from behind,
"Amanda..." He sniffed, "you just admitted that you are okay with me going to jail with the crimes done by your dad..." Ace begins,
"I didn't say that... Don't let Nancy get in your head... She never liked us" Amanda added trying to win Ace

"Of course she never did, why will she? When she wanted Ace all along..." Gil added from behind,
"Gil, stop it... You don't get to say that" Nancy warned Gil,
"Or what huh? You'll kill me?" Gil added getting closer to Nancy, "you never loved me... You used me coz you couldn't bear to see Ace getting with my sister"
"Gil... Stop... For God's sake!" Nancy exclaimed and found herself watched by Ace and Amanda and she had no words,
"Gil, I already lost a lot... And I'm not losing my friend too... Get that clear" Nancy added in an angry tone with tears in her eyes and walked off 

"See... She couldn't stand the truth" Gil added sarcastically as Nancy left, and Ace with tears in his eyes begin,
"firstly, Nancy is my friend..."
"So you choose her over me... Over us?" Amanda questioned being angry furious;
"And secondly... There is no us" Ace added, "you lost that when you got agreed to help your dad and not me... We are over!"
"No... You can't break up with me..." Amanda tried to stop Ace,
"I just did..." Ace added and walked off

Nancy on the other side, unknown that Ace broke with Amanda, was lost in so many thoughts, processing what Gil said, coz she knew it was true and she just had no idea how to face Ace after all this, coz she knew he has a girlfriend and they are serious; what if she loses Ace, his friendship after this... That was her biggest fear, unknown to the truth that Ace indeed loved Nancy but never expressed his feelings to her

Nancy returned to the Claw and explained everything to the crew, but not the part what Gil said and about Ace;
"So now Amanda is not ready to tell where her father is and Ace goes to jail coz of her? Damn this bitch has no idea about loyalty or relationship" George concluded,
"Yeah, but Ace can explain to her right? I mean what if she talks to detective park and tell that Ace is not part of this" Bess added,
"Bess, my father, and the DA has evidence of Ace in that warehouse... Ace still will be held questionable..." Nancy replied, "and if no word from the Bobbsey's then... yes he can get into jail and... I am not liking that option... my dad gave us 24 hours' timing and we are nowhere in finding the solution to this..."
"Yeah, maybe... but not if Amanda stands up and tells where her father is and saves her boyfriend going to jail and does something right for one time..." Nick added

"I'm not her boyfriend anymore..." Ace added walking into the Claw as he heard them talk about him and Amanda,
"What?" Bess questioned,
"Yeah, we broke... I broke up with her... Guess you guys were right about it after all..." Ace shrugged,

"Told you, man, she is a red flag" Nick added looking at Ace,
"Yeah..." Ace softly added, and turning to Nancy he further added, "Nancy, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Ummm... I gotta meet my dad... Just texted...I... It's regarding the Bobessey case, I'll call you...later?" Nancy added and without further explanation, she walked out of the Claw, and Ace kept looking at her with so many emotions and questions waiting for answers.


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