Chapter 3

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The next morning, Nancy woke up, feeling a bit tired coz her sleep was disrupted by the dreams of Ace and herself. She got freshen up and headed downstairs only to hear Ace and her Dad... her first Dad Carson, reasoning on something

"Woah...what is going on here? Ace... Dad...why are you two arguing?" Nancy questioned as she got down the stairs, to which the two looked shocked and had no words for Nancy,
"Are you... Are any of you gonna tell me what is going on? What am I missing out on?"

"Nancy... There is a case... And my client who was working on cracking a case... which involves Mr. Bobssey..." Carson begin,
"Who Gil?" Nancy questioned,
"No... Their father..." Ace replied,
"A week ago, he got into the cannery and didn't come out... We managed to get the footage and this... Came up..." Carson added turning the laptop towards Nancy,
"Woah..." Nancy added looking at the picture of Mr. Bobbsey and Ace in his car

"Nancy, I swear I didn't do anything to his client, nor accompanied Mr. Bobssey, he wanted a ride and I took him there, I waited in the car while he said he have to meet someone and then he comes back with blood on his hands...I saw it and I told him to get out...that's it... I came out of there without him..." Ace explained,
"Ace, I promise you we'll find what happened to Dad's client... and...Did you tell this to the police?" Nancy questioned Ace as she believed him,
"No... I can't..." Ace replied
"I told him the same... But he isn't listening...that's what you heard us... Arguing earlier"
"Did Amanda blackmail you or something? Or Mr. Bobssey...?" Nancy questioned Ace,
"No, neither... And Amanda has no idea about this... She is out of horseshoe bay currently..." Ace replied,
"I thought that Mr. Bobessey got out early from the sentence... He will be different... I didn't know this was... All I wanted was to help Amanda..."

"Ace, I promise you we'll get this sorted... but you need to go to the cops and tell them the truth..." Nancy added looking at Ace and then turned to Carson, "Dad... can you... Help Ace? Make sure he doesn't get charged for anything..."
"Yeah... I hire you..." Ace added taking out notes of a few bucks from his pocket,
"No, I can't..." Carson added, "even If I want to, I can't, coz I'm already hired by my will be a bias situation...the only way to save from this is, you go to the cops and tell them"
"I can't... I don't want them to get Dad involved and then mom...she is... She will get a heart attack...yeah she is a heart patient...and yeah if she finds that I'm getting involved in this kinda stuff..." Ace explained with fear

"Okay... Ace..." Nancy exhaled, "...Dad... Can you give us this one day...? We will find your client... and if we can't I'll convince Ace to talk to the detective..."
"Alright, I'll try... Okay..." Carson replied and just then he got a call which he had to answer,
"But Nancy, we have a frozen heart killer on our trail" Ace softly added looking at Nancy,
"Yeah, that can wait... I can't work fully if my wingman's life is at a risk..."  she replied,
"Your wingman? I thought you said at the woods that I'm not your..." Ace replied,
"That... Was before... I realized what I did... and it is Can we just ignore that part?" Nancy babbled being nervous about the words she was saying to Ace,
"Copy that!" Ace replied with a nod,
"Good" she smiled, "...and if you want to get your life saved, grab the laptop and follow me"
And Ace nodded and without the knowledge of Mr. Carson, he grabbed the laptop and followed Nancy

A few mins at the Claw...

Nancy, Ace, and others had gathered around looking at the picture of Ace and Mr. Bobessey in the car, that Mr. Carson had pulled out from the CCTV;
"Ace, do you have any idea where Mr. Bobessey is?" Nick questioned him,
"No... But how can that help... I mean even if we question him, it's not that he will reply with the truth" Ace added,
"Is there a way Amanda knows?" George questioned Ace,
"No, she is out of town..." Ace replied
"And even if she was here... I don't think she will tell about her father's whereabouts, knowing they belong to a manipulative family" Bess spoke, and Ace gave her a look, "Sorry! It's just..."
"No, she has a point there... Why would she tell where her father is knowing he is going back to jail for murder or kidnapping... Which we are not sure of..." Nancy replied,
"And the only way to find is, we have to take a chance of asking Amanda..." George added,
"Ace, call Amanda and see if she knows..." Nancy added looking at Ace, and he looked down and she understood he wasn't okay,
"Ace look, I know you two are together... But you have to make the right move... Stand for the truth... no matter what...and if Amanda is not one of them, she will help you to do the right thing... If In case Mr. Bobessey is involved in all..." Nancy continued,
"And I promise you... we won't let anything happen to you...Okay?" Nancy assured him.


Unspoken Words [Nancy x Ace]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu