He turns around but doesn't look directly at me. He grabs a glass. "So, what can I get you-" he pauses as he makes eye contact with me. He takes a moment to examine my face. "Y-Y/n?!" He sets the glass down and exits his station. I stand up as he opens his arms. I embrace him in a hug. He was warm; he smelled like  alcohol, something sweet and and a tad bit of smoke. He tightened his grip on me slightly. I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, you and your hugs!" I laughed as we parted.

"Aww come on! It's been about a decade since I've last seen you! What have you been up to? Inform me of your life. I didn't know you were 'round these parts!" He smiled cheekily.

"Oh, nothing much really. I've been busy with my current movement: Freedom for Zaun! And I just wanted to see if you're still around. I've missed you man." We both took a seat. I already knew he's been here.

"I've been wondering where you've gone." He shook his head. "It's been a while. I've even got kids now!" He exclaimed.

"Woah! You have a wife?! Who's the lucky lady? I thought we were going to get married!" I joked as I playfully punch his arm.

He gets slightly flustered. "Ah, no, not that type!" He chuckled. "I raised them."

"Oh! Adopted! I've always seen you as the fatherly type. I've always admired you."

He stares into my eyes. We had a comfortable silence. "I think I've been the one admiring you." But How are you and V-"

"Oh you!" I rolled my eyes. "And, we haven't been together for a long time. He's busy being smart somewhere else." I laughed awkwardly. I brushed it off though.  It felt nice to let loose a little. "Now tell me, where are those kiddos! You opened your mouth now you have to introduce me."

"Oh, how rude of me." He stood and whistled, gaining a few of the people's attention. He did some sign movements with his hand and everyone went back to their normal activity. "This way." He led the way through the back of the bar. We walked down a set of stairs that led to a hallway. He knocked on a door to the right. There was rustling and it all came to a halt. "I'm coming in." He said as he opened the door. "Watch your step." He said as he walked in first. I followed behind him.

There was a total of 4 children: a slim boy with dazzling black hair, a chubby boy with goggles, and two girls, one with pink hair and one with blue. "Children, I want you all to meet Y/n. She's my-"

The one with blue hair ran up to me and grabbed my hand. "Oh my gosh!!! You're our new mom, right?! See!! I wasn't lying!! Vander has a girlfriend!" She hands me a photo of me, Vander and Silco when we were younger. Vander still had that picture?

The children began to talk amongst themselves. I smile. "Oh Vander! What have you been telling them?!" I chuckle. I hand him the photo.

"That's her in the picture! I'm sure of it!"

"It is." I told them.

"So it IS true?! Woah, I'll give it to you pow pow. I'm Vi." She held her hand out. I shook it.

"Lovely to meet you-"

"A mom? Wow, life really is precious." Said the chubby one.

"A mom?! That's interesting really. Say, how much did he pay you?" The thin one examined me up and down.

"Hey hey now." Vander cleared his throat. "She's not my girlfriend. Nor your mother. She's just a really good old friend of mine."

I clear my throat. "He meant young. I'm not old whatsoever." He playfully pats my back.

"Of course."

The blue haired girl looks at Vander with disappointment. "Awww..."

"Okay!!!! So, here we have Powder, Violet, Claggor and Mylo. These are my children." He said proudly.

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