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Hyunjin was the first one to wake up, he prepared a cup of coffee and bought two slices of red velvet cake, he drank his coffee and waited for Jisung to wake up

After a few minutes of waiting Hyunjin saw Jisung rubbing his eyes adjusting from the light

"Good morning, we have a slice of red velvet cake and a cup of coffee, i'll bring it up to you wait" Jisung nodded and sat down on the bed, he feels like he wants to go home but also wants to stay with Hyunjin for awhile maybe heir bond would last a little bit long

Hyunjin came with a tray and the foods on it, he smiled purely to Jisung not knowing why he wants to suddenly be close with the younger  but he does know that when they come back to the village lots and lots of question will go through the members mouth and Hyunjin wants to avoid that so maybe prayers will do 

Jisung was done eating and so does Hyunjin, they fixed their clothes, fixed their hair and went out 

"oh chan hyung texted me the location we need to go, the place is where we will play the skit"  Hyunjin said while looking for a cab that they can ride since its a bit far away

Jisung put his hand straight horizontaly signing that they need a cab, a few minutes later a cab stopped and let them ride

Hyunjin told the driver where to go and  the driver said its about 2-3 hours away, Jisung found that fine since he still wants to sleep, Hyunjin stayed silent and let the younger fell asleep on his lap since its still far away, noticing that the younger is really now asleep he took out his phone and capture jisungs face while sleeping, maybe Jisung looks cute or just that things will never happen again so he captured this one in a million scenery

They were driving for 30 minutes and Jisung suddenly remembered something making him stand up like he got a nightmare or something "Jin be my boyfriend" Hyunjin looked at him with confused eyes "no.no.no.no i mean can you pretend to be my boyfriend???" Jisung clarified making Hyunjin less confused on why he wants to be his pretend boyfriend

"why me though? you can ask minho hyung" Hyunjin said with the 'duh' tone "well i cant cause.....cause... still i cant ask him" Jisung protested

"i will think about that" Jisung sighed knowing that there is still somehow a chance not 50 percent chance but maybe 20 percent chance you know "why the hell do you need a boyfriend for? are you avoiding someone?"

"You got it! well its someone from that place and he texted me saying he will go there" Jisung paused "and i dont wanna have a convo with him since he always tell me how good of a lover he is" Jisung made the "you get me" posing and Hyunjin was dumb saying he doesnt get it why he needs a boyfriend

"Why tho? is she not pretty? for you not to like her??" Hyunjin questioned tilting his head 'maybe she isn't Jisung's type or maybe she isn't in for Jisung's standards'

 "The  thing is its a guy and i dont like guys!!! i like girlssss" Hyunjins heart shattered when he heard that Jisung was not into guys but who was he to stop Jisung from liking girls right??

"wait didn't you and minho hyung dated??so I think the right person for you to ask is minho hyung since the both of you have chemistry you know???" 

Jisung is now getting furious why cant Hyunjin just agree and they can live in peace wait maybe not live but just go with the flow in peace i guess, after an hour or two they finally arrived and Hyunjin still have not agreed yet and Jisung was clinging onto him like some goddamn koala, he still doesn't get why Jisung was asking him out of all people Jisung could ask why him though?

They entered the building and Jisung wouldn't stop sulking and whimpering and begging him to be his pretend boyfriend "Ji would you shut your mouth up for a sec?" Hyunjin demanded taking his arm out of Jisungs hold "NO!" he took back Hyunjins arm and sulk like there is no tomorrow or else he would be swalowed by that guy and he doesn't want that he still wants to see what the future will be or what he will look like when he is 80 or 70 

They were now at the right floor and Hyunjin could already see their manager waving at him "Jisung I swear to god if you don't let me go I won't agree never ever" that made Jisungs eyes beam like there are meteor in his eyes "Does that mean you will agree??" Hyunjin shook his head signaling that he does agree,  making Jisung happier than ever 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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