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"Dad I have spent it already" hyunjin said while his alone at their basement

His father came in a spawn of five minutes..

His father got in to the basement remembering what his son told him..

Once he got down the basement he already heard his son crying

And that made his heart shatter into pieces... Maybe torturing his son this day isn't the best for both of them

He still doesn't know why his son borrowed those huge amount of money..

But he does know that his son used it to some good use

He was about to go back and just let what happened be

"dad where a-are you g-going?" hyunjin asked looking at his dad with eyes wanting to sleep cause of crying

"just don't mind me son I'm gonna let this slip this time" his dad waves a hand saying goodbye

Hyunjin is now confused on what happened with his dad but he does know that he loves his dad no matter what happen to him

He felt his head is going to explode any time soon so he just let it be

Hyunjin collapsed down the basement without anyone noticing

It was currently 3:45 at the midnight and no one was there to save him from this headache

It was a rough day for all of them we can say


"hyyyuuunggg!!" all of them went where the voice was

"what happened?" minho asked

"i dont know i just saw him laying here down the basement but hyunjin hyung told me that it wasnt his father lets carry him to my room-" seungmin suggested wanting to take good care of hyunjin

"hyunjin will be at my room, no more excuses and no more buts" jisung carried hyunjin like the long haired dude was nothing

Jisung layed hyunjin on his bed not caring what will the other feel if he woke up

Jisung studied hyunjins face every detail on every inch

It was a beautiful sight for jisung to look at for him hyunjin just dont feel real, hyunjin felt ethereal even though he was sleeping

He went down stairs to eat breakfast, noticing that everyone had already eaten, he got his self some cereal, milk and some foods a person would get for breakfast...

Jisung got back upstairs not knowing where are the other members

'in a short matter of time they managed to leave?' jisung thought

He sat down and placed his breakfast on his study-working table

Jisung opened the t.v. to watch some shows while eating

Hyunjin woke up and felt some comfort not knowing where he is he saw someones back and already knew who it was

He heard he stomach grumble since he haven't eaten since like yesterdays lunch??

Jisung saw hyunjin moved and look at the blonde

"hi...hyung" Jisung greeted feeling guilty making himself believed that it was his fault that's why hyunjin is like this

"sung.... I'm hungry" hyunjin confessed

Jisung handed his food to hyunjin and end up eating with him

They ate in silence but the silence was comfortable

Jisung wanted to know if hyunjins okay or if hyunjin was fine

'hyung, you okay?' or 'hyung, do you still wanna sleep?'

Even though he and hyunjin isnt in good terms in the past or maybe even in the future

Jisung is still sure that this day, this time, him and hyunjin would be better even just this time

Hyunjin on the other hand doesnt thinks the same

He still hates Jisung even though the younger shows him nice things

He hates Jisung no matter what happen the things in the past still makes him feel like he is the one that did all of it

He hates Jisung because he wished to be Jisung...

Thoughts had come to fill up his mind, tears starting to roll down his cheeks not even noticing it

The younger looked at the older and just wiped the tears on the olders cheeks, Jisung didn't utter a word he just don't wanna see the older cry

Butterflies filled up Jisung stomach when they made eye contact,

This is when he made his mind up

He does like the older but other than that he also needs to take this feeling out knowing that the older still hates him

Jisung kept rubbing his thumb over hyunjins cheeks not until the older held his hand putting it away

He felt his heart shattered, he tries to put back the olders cheeks yet the older swung it away

Hyunjin looked intensely at him, hatred filling up his eyes

Hyunjin did not like how the younger was being nice to him, he did bad things to the younger that is why he thinks he does not deserve the kindness he was getting

"I. Hate. You." Those words slipped hyunjins mouth and he mean it

He hates everything that connects with jisung.

The blonde does not even want the younger by his side

He just hates the younger no matter what

Meanwhile the younger felt he have been stabbed by a knife in his heart,

He can't do anything but just smile

He smiled.

Loving The Way Mountains Talk||HYUNSUNGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora