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That is when jisung finally woke up from his stupid but cute dream

When he woke up he saw someone holding his hand

"oh youre already awake" said that person beside him

"wheres hyunjin hyung?" jisung asked

He looked around his room and just saw his belongings on the floor

"why are my stuffs on the floor?" he asked again

"oh uhm you were uhm how do i say this uhh lets just saying you were crying and throwing stuffs last night"

Jisung was shock when he heard what he did last night

"and to answer your first question uhm i think your crazy..."

Jisung looked at him and made his brows closer to each other

"what do you mean?" jisung asked

"since the time he left he never came back not even once so stop it" he answered

Jisung looked frustrated all of the happenings was just in his head

"what about your boyfriend?" jisung out of nowhere asked

"me???!!!?? I have a boyfriend!??!!?!" we can tell that he is shocked


"yoww you need to stop your dream i dont even like chan so stop and he probably doesn't like me so stop it" minho said

"Hyung i want to eat" minho nodded and the both of them go to the kitchen

"oh ji youre awake" changbin smiled

All of them were happy seeing jisung like that eating more and more but what makes them uncomfortable is the fact that jisung still thinks that hyunjin came back

When they finished their breakfast seungmins phone rang

"oh hi hyung!" they all look at seungmin confused on who it was

"hi minnie how you doin?"

When they heard that voice they all go behind seungmins back seeing a pretty and happy hyunjin in a not much crowded place

"hyung where are you?" I.n. asked not wanting his own self to think

"oh uhm im at the air port" hyunjin answered

When hyunjin answered that felix finally spoke

"why?" felix asked

"oh im going somewhere" hyunjin answered quickly knowing that felix hates to wait


"uhm canada"

" im going with you" seungmin spoke out of nowhere

"seungmin no plus the planes already here i gotta go bye" hyunjin waved his hand and ended the call making everyone sad

Seungmin wants to go with his hyunjin hyung but he remembered that they have a tour

Seungmin threw his phone making it broken and cant be used anymore

Minho comforted seungmin caressing his hair while muttering a 'its fine' or 'hyunjin will be back'

Those words made seungmin stop crying but he still felt worst

But what about jisung? what did he felt?

Loving The Way Mountains Talk||HYUNSUNGUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum