the frozen flower [ pt. II]

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here's Dusty,,, w o o


"freeze - and be laid to rest in an icy coffin."

> picture to be added in the near future <

| you unlocked ssr oc - frozen flower |

- basic information -

| full name |
| Dusty Icelyn Grey |

| gender & sexuality |
| cis female + biromantic graysexual |

| height + weight |
| 5'3" - 100 lbs [underweight] |

| voice actress |
| Judy Alice Lee |


| combat information |

| weapon class |
| sword + spellcaster - support |

| element + talent |
| water / ice - the duality of winter |

| weapon |
| freezing edge - enchanted sword |

| unique abilities |

| ominous winter - in which Dusty inflicts the Disoriented effect upon her target, casting an Illusion of Danger spell with a slash of her sword. this spell unnerves and weakens her opponent, allowing stronger party members to go in for the kill.

| child of frost - in which Dusty calls upon her father's guidance, casting a spell of frost that surrounds the immediate vicinity. all enemies caught inside of this spell will take continuous elemental damage, while slowly freezing into ice statues. when used alongside Xena's Sunny Days ability, these statues will shatter and melt - along with the victims trapped inside of them.

| hoarfrost - in which Dusty summons her father's Freezing Eye, which will protectively float around her for the duration of 20 minutes unless dismissed manually. all enemies within five feet of Dusty will take elemental damage, and all normal attacks are infused with the Frostbite effect.

| alliance |
| the Hamilton family
| Lucky Number Seven [ see "the golden sun" for definition of this organization ]


| personality & behavior |

| Dusty is about as transparent as someone can get. and stubborn. very very stubborn. she's often regarded as the impulse control of the group, but in reality she has absolutely no fear of authority and will do things of her own accord. yelling at or even physically assaulting her will have no effect on her, though she will probably assault you right back out of instinct. she is not afraid to fight someone over the pettiest things.

to outsiders, she appears to be antisocial and defensive, often hiding away from any social gathering and refusing to interact with anyone she hasn't already established a connection with. the public often regard her as shy and "actually a sweetheart" for this.
she......just has crippling social anxiety.

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