The Black Mark

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Okay so-

The Black Mark is a worldwide villain/anti-hero organization currently run by Daedalus, founded by the Otiento family.

It's communication is entirely underground, and nearly nothing is known about it. Though, it seems a minor goal for it is to obtain all existing Mystic Hearts (sacred gemstones containing the souls of powerful, but deceased Mystics). Their reason is unknown, and Daedalus is a great secret-keeper.

There are millions of members, all of which are undercover. All spies and informants are murdered on sight (or memory wiped), and existing members are heavily monitored to ensure there are no rats or cowards.

Obviously I can't customize every member-

So here's four of them, all of which are Daedalus' close allies-


~• Enyo •~

Don't be fooled by her childlike appearance, she can and will whack you over the head with a metal baseball bat

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Don't be fooled by her childlike appearance, she can and will whack you over the head with a metal baseball bat.

Enyo is a high-ranking member of the Black Mark, notorious among the organization for being a scourge on the battlefield. Her real age is unknown, but Daedalus calls her "child" due to her looks. She is treated as an equal, though denied obvious things such as alcohol.

Enyo is heavily into screamo and death metal, which is evidenced by her blasting such music at ungodly hours of the night from her dorm.

She looks up to Daedalus as a big brother and is always following him around when he's working, and calls Bellona "big sis".

She has no known family.


- Bellona -

She's the creepy kid who hides in the corner and binges books on torture methods and human anatomy

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She's the creepy kid who hides in the corner and binges books on torture methods and human anatomy.

Bellona is a high-ranking member, placing just under Icarus. She isn't that well-known, but according to Daedalus, is a vital part of the team.

Bellona sees Enyo as her little sister, and as such is extremely overprotective of her. She taught her how to fight and the most effective ways to kill or torture someone. She greatly admires Daedalus.

She has mentioned that she used to have a little brother.


|• Hadeon •|

Despite looking like a conman, he is surprisingly sweet

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Despite looking like a conman, he is surprisingly sweet. If you dismiss all the war crimes on his records, that is. And the sadism.

Hadeon ranks just above Enyo, and just below Bellona. He handles the finances and weapons of the Black Mark, and is well-known only for his ability to manipulate his way into and out of any situation.

Hadeon is a close friend to Daedalus, given they're both manipulative and cunning. He tries to get along with Enyo (mostly because he's sorta scared of her-) but it often results in a bat to the knee. He learned most of his tactics from books and information Bellona gave him, so he holds her in high regard. He often teases Icarus.

He has no recorded family, but he has been a suspect for the murder of his former girlfriend.



Icarus seems to be a soft boy, but he's actually a caffeine-addicted college student done with life

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Icarus seems to be a soft boy, but he's actually a caffeine-addicted college student done with life. He joined the Black Mark solely to add excitement to his life.

He is Daedalus' second in command, so safe to say he's extremely high-ranking. However, he doesn't abuse his position. He does get a bit crazed every once in a while though, but that's mostly the mental illness and excessive amounts of caffeine talking.

Daedalus considers him the brother he never had, and vice versa. Icarus admires Daedalus and is happy to work under him. He gets along with everyone else except for Hadeon. He and Enyo get along solely because they're both feral.

He has an older sister, but has mentioned he dislikes her. He says being in college is better than living with his parents and sister.


That's all-



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