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Also my most creative cover art lol-

Expect most of the same sh!t as the other books-

So like-

*OC scenarios and oneshots (rare, I've grown to despise and scrap everything I write-)

*✨A R T✨

*Showing off OCs in avatar apps

*Game screenshots (rare again-)

Also this is gonna be slow because motivation is at an all time ✨low✨

Energy really hit rock bottom and said "the ground is soft and I'm ready to dig" and went through with it-

Oh ye also crack chapters- consisting of OCs doing chaotic sh!t like-


Valerie: Hey Diesel?

Diesel: Yeah?

Val: I've been thinking about life in general.

Diesel: ...yeah?


Val: *Jumps into the lava pool beside her-*

Diesel: wHA-


So yeah if you've ever seen my other OC/Arts book (please do not look at any of them before the 5th one-) you know what to expect-

Also if you wanna learn more about these guys I have an Official OC Forms book that you can go see them and read their info-

Anyways that's it-

See ya :D-



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