|| chapter 9 ||

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I can't believe it. He played around with me because.. he was bored?

I can feel my insides twisting and my throat swelling up. I don't think I can bare to look at his face anymore.

"Please.. leave." I mutter out. "Just get out."

"Fine by me." He says, not even thinking out how his words may have accepted me. Tsukki grabs his stuff and slams my door. All I want to do right now is cry out my whole heart, but honestly I'm better than that. I don't need to depend on him. No matter how much it may have stung, I won't let him see me crushed.

I grab my phone and look through my contacts.

"There we go." I think proudly, "Hey Kageyama, wanna hang out later?"

"Me? And y-you? I guess sure..! Yeah." He sputters through the phone. How cute.

"Alright! I'll meet you at 5." I hang up the phone.

This wasn't just revenge, I wasn't using Kageyama. Honestly I needed to branch out. Being stuck wit Tsukishima for so long is exhausting and draining, I can't always handle constantly being around his salty self. Not to mention how he's always stopped me from talking to other people, possessive much..

Pulling myself up, I head upstairs to my bedroom and start looking through my outfit options.

"No, nope, absolutely not, oh god." I mutter as I throw around pieces of clothing all over my bed. Why do I have nothing good?

Giving in, I grab a pleated skirt and an oversized sweater. A quite basic choice really, but at least it was comfortable. Slipping on a pair of black stockings and leg warmers I mentally prepare myself.

"God what if I embarrass myself? What if he and Tsukki are planning something together ?? What if I get stood up?!?!" I cry.

My internal whining is stopped when my phone pings at a text message.

Unknown Number
don't u dare go meet him. you don't know what kind of person kageyama really is.

Part of me wants to listen but another tells me it's Tsukishima. Like always, he just wants his way with me. Ordering me around like a little servant. Did he even consider me a friend?

Don't concern yourself with him anymore. He's old news now.

Blending in a small amount of concealer to cover a few blemishes here and there, (cuz obviously u got perfect skin 😍😍) I curl my luscious long lashes and coat it with some light mascara. Finishing off with a tinted pink lip balm I shoot my self a kiss in the mirror and head downstairs. Struggling to put on my shoes, my phone pings again.

Unknown Number
don't say i didn't warn you.

Ignoring it once again I lock my house and head out. It was already 4:55pm and Kageyama stood outside your gate waiting for you. He looked.. cute. Like a lost little kid. His sense of style was undeniably amazing. Who knew this raven haired setter would be so attractive when outside of school?

"Kageyama! I hope I didn't keep you waiting." I laugh. He shakes his head.

"No, I just arrived."

I nod, slowly admiring his features. Taking time to notice his beautifully dark blue eyes and the little pieces of hair that failed to stick under the hair gel, there was a lot to him I'd never noticed.

"Where should we go?" I ask.

"Anywhere." He shrugs. Small answers, as always.

Grabbing him by his hand I drag him to one of my favorite cafés. The pastries here were better than anything I've ever tasted in my life, like pure bliss inside my mouth.

"Hope you like yourself some sweets because this place has more than enough!" I say sheepishly as we take a seat by the window.

"The view in autumn is really.. mesmerizing." Kageyama says whilst staring out into the sunset.

"Didn't take you for a big scenery person." I respond, "although it is really gorgeous today."

He rubs the back of his neck.

"What are you going to order (L/N)? I'll get whatever you're getting." He asks.

I think for a little, I loved all of the options equally but I favored the strawberry shortcake more than anything in the world.

"I'll get a strawberry shortcake!" I beam, mouth practically drooling at the thought of it.

Kageyama nods. We both order our pastries and converse while we wait.

"I hope you don't get upset with me but can I.. ask you something? You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable." Kageyama tells me shyly.

"I'm sure it's not that bad, ask away." I respond. It really can't be that bad right? As long as he doesn't admit he's in love with me or something..

"What's your relationship with ... uhm, Tsukishima-kun?" He blurts out.

Are you kidding me?

My face makes an annoyed reaction unknowingly and Kageyama panics.

"I'm so sorry..! I shouldn't have asked.. you don't need to answ-" I cut him off.

"It's alright Kags. I'll answer." I sigh, "he and I are.. "

"Together. So back off."

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