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  (a/n- i havent updated since last year🤣anywayss, myb, i literally had writers block. like not even kidding. I apologize in adavnce💚💀)um this is gonna be a filler


      I wake up after the nap and see that y/n is already up.  I rake my hands through my hair and sit up on her bed. I sigh and realize I have a mini headache. I look over and see her phone is still on the charger. I look around after debating with myself to look at it. Against my better judgment, I pick up the one and see her notifications can be seen without unlocking her phone. I scroll for a second before seeing multiple messages from aakashi. I squint my eyes and read the messages to see what he wants.


hey? where'd you go?-12:30
I have your ice creammm-12:30
So you're just not going to answer?-12:31
So you used me for my mouth and then left?-12:31
Delete my number slut.-12:35

   I start to get riled up that he would call her a slut, but then I also realize that they did other stuff than watch movies. hmmm I hear someone coming up the stairs and put her phone back where it was. Y/n comes in with water bottles and some grapes. She sees im up and she gives me a small smile. "How was your nap?" she asked. I think about what I should say. I'm finna ruin her whole mood. Wait wait no dont say anythin- "It was fine until I woke up and saw you notifications" I say taking one of the battles out her hand. 


I see her face drop and she stalks over to her phone. "You went through my messages? What is wrong with you?" She asks looking to see what I read. "Nothings wrong with me." I say as I see her read which message i saw. "You're bitching over aakashi? SERIOUSLY? Get over yourself." She says unplugging her phone and pushing past me. I gasp cuz ain't no way she just called me a bitch. "UMM IM THE BITCH? I thought we had something and you go to your "friends house" and have sex with him!" She looks up at me and says "First off, me and you are not dating though. So it doesn't matter what I do with anybody. Second off, we didn't even go all the way." She said rolling her eyes.

I stare at her with my mouth agape. There's no way she used that as an excuse. I scoff and feel my headache start to worsen. I feel my eyebrows furrow and try to relax my face. "Okay, I get that we're not dating. But like I said, I thought we had something. We've been on a date, we've had sex, we've cuddled? Like I thought we knew about the boundaries when it comes to that stuff. So even if y'all didn't go all the way, it's still disrespectful to me." I say. I shake my head annoyed and get up to leave her room. I feel played. I can't believe I thought she liked me. Just as I was leaving her room, I get a message about there being a party later. Great. Exactly what I need right now.


I watch tsuki walk out my bedroom door and I sit on the edge of my bed. I start realizing I was a bit rude with him. It was kind of disrespectful in a sense gurl. Shut up, don't agree with him. I roll my eyes at myself and sigh loudly. damn it bro. I start massaging my temples and get up. I open my door  and make it to tsukis room. I stand outside his door quietly, debating what I should say. I take a deep breath and knock on his door lightly. I continue hearing silence and roll my eyes. I bang on his door and still dont hear movement.

       I crack the door open and see him laying there on his stomach. "get out" he said without moving. I stay still and rub my neck. "listen.. I'm sorry okay. I never should have done what I did and I'm sorry for downplaying it. It was insensitive of me and if you still want to be mad at me that's understandable."  I say. As I wait a few moments and realize he's not going to say anything, I clasp my hands together and walk away. I close his door behind me and go outside to take a walk. God that was so hard to do bro.

ik this was so quick y'all, i am so sorry.pls forgive me😕but these past few months have been so so terrible. I'll update again soon, hopefully it'll be juicier than this. Bare with me y'all🙏🏽

not edited  at all

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