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(A/N- This might be a double update👩🏽‍💻☝🏽. or not, watch me fall asleep before this chapter is finished. Anyways for anyone who is reading this, how do you like it so far👹?)


I close the door and look over to see y/n speed off. I sigh and tell the guys hurry up so we can follow behind the girls without getting lost.

They speed off and I put my headphones in while thinking about y/n. I really do miss her, i start to think. If only she would stop being a bitch to me man. This whole thing is ridiculous and has been going on for too long. Before I know it, I'm asleep and i wake up to the car shaking an hour later.

I open my eyes wide just to see kuroo and matt cracking up. "I thought there was a crash or something. Whatever has y'all laughing cant be that funny". As I was about to ask them what was funny I look down at my phone and see a notification pop up with me being tagged in their stories. I open instagram and I see a picture of me sleep with my hand under my cheek. "ha ha ha. so funny, delete it." I say with no emotion behind my voice. I really do not like people taking my photos. Don't get me wrong, i'm a very attractive man but why do they need my face in their phone.

(A/N- Same thing with anyones pov. no matter who it is, if its in their pov, their thoughts or saying will always be underlined.)

"No. I don't think we will." They say in unison. They gasp and do a little handshake. I shake my head and start to wonder how i'm friends with these idiots. "But on another note...Whats up with you and y/n?"Matt says while look through the back mirror. I swear he's always in someone's business

"nothing. did you not just see us have mini argument in front of everyone?" I ask as if he's dumb. "Of course i saw. thats why im asking idiot. Thats not just hate. there's clearly more to it so tell me the backstory" He says while turning down the music.

"I'd love to tell you, but I don't exactly know what it was. It happened in highschool for sure, but one day she just became really mean towards me and hostile. We were pretty good friends and would only fight over petty things. We had never gone without talking for a few days. But one day we stopped talking and never started again. I never knew why and all her friends started to hate me too. I never knew what happened". I say while zoning off from when we were super close.

"Well it has to be something right? Y/n doesn't just hate people for no reason... For the most part. She usually has her reasons,whether they be super petty or not." Kuroo says while texting someone.

"well if y'all can figure out why she dislikes me so much let me know. Because it hasn't always been like this. Trust me" I state just wanting to forget this conversation even happened. "hmmm okay, I assume i'll leave it alone. for now."Matt says as we pull up into the Air B&B.

The girls get out first and start taking their bags inside. I wonder why they're so quick to get inside I thought. I looked over at the boys and we all laughed while realizing they wanted to get first dibs on rooms.

We stopped laughing when the realization hit that we wouldn't be getting the best rooms. We all grabbed our bags and sprinted inside. We ran up the stairs and see the girls laying in beds. We see six rooms and go search around. As i look around for the room i want, I notice y/n just laying there while the sun hits her face giving her a golden look. whew i mumble while taking a deep breathe.

Damn, she's so- Oh naw. I cut myself off in my head, we will not think these thoughts about that demon spawn. I refuse to say anything nice about her when she acts the way she does, i think angrily.I unpack my things and head downstairs to check out the rest of the "house". I make it outside and decide to sit down and breathe in the nice fresh air.

I hear the patio door open and turn around only to see Alisha come outside.

(A/N- ahhh it is a double update. this is like a filler i guess. i had this thought and i needed to get it out before i went to sleep. I'll edit it tomorrow after work☝🏽👩🏽‍💻)

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