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So, here's my story.  I hope you guys like it and please, please, remember to vote!   It helps me gain more popularity thus more readers thus more people who can help me out with my writing thus making my writing better thus giving you an even more enjoyable reading experience, and it only takes two seconds!  Thank you for your support and I hope you like it!(:


     High above above the clouds they soared, shadows stretching along the grassy green hilltops from which I watched.  Dark and striking against the noonday sun the falcons circled, free as the air we breathe.  Power and grace to the fullest and in my eyes the incarnation of pure majesty.

     Holding in my knees against my chest I tilted my head back, letting my smoky brown locks flow down with ends brushing the ground as the sunlight touched my face.  The wisping breezes caressed my skin, carrying the scent of the grass and leaves and rich earthy soil and hard green apples just beginning to grow.  I inhaled deeply and let the smell and feel of the wind, the warmth and light of the sun, the sheer weight of nothingness and the joy it carried in its pure simplicity overwhelm me, washing over my senses and relieving the weight of my burdens.  At long last my walls came crumbling down to release my heart and soul and mind as peace came flooding in.  Nothing was left unexposed.  The hard edges smoothed down gently, the burns soothed and scars relieved, before melting away into sweet nothingness along with all else.  Away from everyone and everything the girl I used to be seemed a world away, some dusty piece of my imagination fast receding in the distance.  There would never be anything but this; never anything but the air and wind and earth and sky, never anything but the sun and moon and stars and clouds, never anything but the rustling leaves and whispering breeze and clear winding brooks with water of crystalline brilliance.  The world was gone and so was I...

     This was the closest I could come to perfection. 

 The fields were the only places I could come to truly be free.  Where I could forget my troubles and fears and leave my life behind.  Where I could lose myself completely, at peace and as one with the earth and sky.  More than a drug these visits were what I could not live without, the few moments of relief and sanity in my dark and crazy world. 

     Yet even this place, my secret sanctuary from life and all that it entails cannot truly erase who I am.  The scars are written in far too deeply for that.  And even as this wave of darkness washes over me as I remember again a voice calls out, high and demanding, wrenching me back to myself again and as always reminding me You cannot stay, you cannot stay, you will never be released, this is who you are.

And as always I know and tell myself This is not who you are, but this is who you have to be. 

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