Chapter 016

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Chapter 016


Shifting around in the sheets of the bed you continuously rolled around trying to ignore your ringing phone that was placed on the bedside table next to you.

It had been going of for at least 10 minutes now but you where to tired to see who it was or answer it. It was bothering you but not to the point of getting mad. Baji however has had enough...

Standing up from the small pallet he made on the floor he shoved the blankets off him and angrily looked at you. Thank god him mom left already or you'd both be busted.

As the ringer went off again he finally decided to do something. Gripping his pillow in one hand he swung it at you while yelling your name. Thankfully for you he didn't swing it that hard but it still made you jump up in surprise.

"The hell was that for!?" Fully awake now you look at him with confusion until he spoke up.

"Your phone has been ringing on stop for the past 15 minutes! Answer it or mute it dammit I was trying to sleep!" He hissed before grumpily stomping out of the room.

Holding back a laugh you could stop but think about how funny he look stomping out of the room. Baji and you had become so closes within the shortest amount of time. He really was like a brother to you.

Sighing out you picked up your phone to look at who had been calling you and who would have guessed. It was Draken. He had called you a total of 20 times in the passed 15 minutes. 'My god' you huffed out in your mind before calling him back.

After it rang once or twice the line finally picked up. "Hello-" "finally this idiot has been running in circles cause you wouldn't answer!" Unfortunately yet some what fortunately Draken wasn't the one to answer but Mikey was.

"Wonderful.. what do y'all need?" You asked still tired. You decided to try and play nice so you wouldn't have to get into another petty match with Mikey right after waking up. "He wants to meet up with you" Mikey answered back shortly.


You couldn't help but let out a small laugh as you heard Draken yelling in the background and you swore you could also hear Mikey laugh before quickly talking to you again.

"12:00 at the coffee shop near you and Draken's place is where he wants to meet" Mikey quickly said before you heard Draken yell one more time and then the small beeping sound indicating that he had hung up.

Blinking for a second you looked at the phone before looking at the time. '9:22' is what the time said. 'I have a little bit of time before I should start getting ready' you thought.

Walking out of the room you saw Baji standing in the kitchen staring at the stove like he was waiting for it to make the food on its own.

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