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For the second time in two days, Bucky woke up on the uncomfortable couch, however being able to wake up next to the beautiful woman who was in his arms made him not give a care in the world if his back was hurting or his neck needed to be cracked from how uncomfortable the couch was.  he would do it again just to see her beautiful peaceful face. 

Thea was now lying practically on top of him, his arms wrapped securely around her as she was snuggled into his chest, their legs had tangled together as they slept. Their bodies were molded together perfectly like they were meant to be with each other.

Thea's hair was slightly disheveled from sleep and was now covering her face to which Bucky slowly moved the hair behind her ear so he could look at her peaceful face. She looked peaceful and amicable. Her lips were slightly curled to reveal a small smile.

The truth was this was probably the best sleep she had ever had, she felt safe and protected with bucky's arms protectively wrapped around her, causing her to sleep peacefully. As well as the fact that bucky was the most comfortable pillow she had ever laid on in her entire life.

Bucky simply laid there, thinking about the course of how he had changed in a matter of a week, how it was love at first sight, even with how cheesy it sounds. The kiss they shared last night flashed through him, how he loved the sweet taste they held, how one kiss made him practically addicted.

Thea started to stir slightly causing Bucky to look at her, his smile growing wider as he watched her move closer in his chest trying to snuggle more into him. He waited patiently till she opened her eyes, her brown ones immediately locking in with his blue ones.

"Good morning, doll," he replied in a husky voice. Thea smiled and attempted to hide the blush that had formed from waking up in Bucky's arms and as well as how sexy his deep husky morning voice sounded.

Bucky chuckled slightly, his chest vibrating, loving the way he affected her, he moved one of his hands to lift her head up towards him so she could match him.

"Don't hide your blush doll, it's adorable," he commented moving his hand from underneath her chin to the side of her face cupping it, his thumb slightly moving up and down.

They simply stayed in that position looking at each other, slowly leaning into each other till their lips met in a passionate kiss.

A good way to start the morning indeed. Bucky thought to himself as they broke apart, thea moving to nestle into him as they lay there enjoying each other's company.

The two waited till the sound of ollie sniffing through the baby monitor came through the living room. Thea was quick to respond getting up, she was still wearing her dress from last night, as was bucky with his suit, however to bucky she still looked as beautiful as she did last night.

Thea made her way into her room, where ollie's crib was located, immediately scooping him up and comforting him, before changing him and herself making her way out to bucky, who had been joined by two tired little girls, who were sitting on his lap.

The five of them all spent the day together, Bucky having changed from his suit to a pair of jeans and a regular black t-shirt he had in the back of his car, just in case. With much convincing from the girls, they all went to the park to play and have a small picnic before Bucky had to leave to take care of some business.

It was now Monday, and thea was excited to go back to work, having been out for a solid three days, and with what happened between her and Bucky, she couldn't wait.

As she walked into the building she was immediately met with Bucky and Steve walking directly towards her as if they were leaving.

Bucky had been grumpy having been woken up lier than expected around three in the morning and has been working all morning since then. But the minute he saw thea, his entire grumpy mood shifted, his once emotionless face now had a small smile, smiling enough to show the small dimple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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