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Bucky had given thea the next couple of days off, he had figured out that she would probably want to stay with her kids, so he gave her the days off before she could call in.

He had actually been more expressionless and slightly more rude to people since she had not been in the office, he was completely and utterly whipped, and he had only known her for only a couple of days.

She had been out of the office for two whole days and every time he stepped out of the elevator and saw her empty desk, or even walked past it, his shoulders would slump and a small pout would form on his lips.

Even Though she had worked only a solid two days, he had grown accustomed to getting out of the elevator and being welcomed to her beautiful smile, which made his heart stop every time he saw it.

Everyone that saw or even talked with bucky noticed his slight change in his mood. However, only Steve and Jesse knew why. Steve had put two and two together when he noticed Bucky constantly staring at the desk from his office, as well as his slightly visible frowns he allowed on his expressionless face as he walked in and out of the office, having to pass her desk.

But today was different. Today was Friday, and Bucky actually had a small and visible smile on his face as he entered his company's building. Surprising almost everyone in the lobby worked there because of his different mood.

However, ever since Bucky got a call from thea yesterday afternoon, telling him that the kids weren't sick anymore and she would be at work the next morning, he was excited.

Bucky greeted everyone with a small smile, something he never had done since he started his company, which only confused the workers even more. He walked towards the elevators and pushed the button for it to take him up to his floor.

He so badly wanted to see thea, wasting to see her beautiful smile and her green orbs that he had fallen in love with. Since the two days, she had been gone, he hadn't been able to do any work, his mind clouded with thea and her kids.

As he waited for the elevator to arrive at the lobby floor he heard small whispers through his excellent hearing, many were like, "I bet he got laid." and "He's acting weird." But he simply ignored it, waiting patiently for the doors of the elevator to open.

When they finally did, he stepped in and eagerly pushed the button to the top floor, or as he called it in his mind, 'His Floor.'

His smile grew wider and wider, eventually reaching ear to ear as the elevator rose to the top floor. However, the minute the doors of the elevator opened, those wide and sexy smiles immediately turned into a frown.

He wanted to be welcomed by Thea's smile he wasn't welcomed at all. She was nowhere to be seen.

He stepped out of the elevator and looked around the small lobby of the floor, to see if there was any sign of thea to be there. When he found none, his lips formed into a pout and he slumped back to himself.

He couldn't tell you how long he stood there looking at Thea's desk as if she would magically appear sitting there and would welcome him with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.

He probably would have stood there forever until he heard a throat clear behind him, which made him perk up slightly, hope-filled his eyes, he turned around, thinking it was Thea, only to be met with Steve.

Bucky frowned and slumped back to his grumpy self and let out a small grunt, which made Steve chuckle slightly.

"Glad to see you too, buck," Steve said sarcastically, stepping closer to Bucky, knowing exactly why he was pouting like a small child who was told he couldn't get a toy or a piece of candy.

Unexpected love (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now