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"dear jungwon,

you should work on your letters presentation. it isn't pretty to read to be honest. i'm sending you letters because i feel like it. i already said to you that i feel alone and it helps me, so i'll keep writing. also i think you're really handsome. like really. and just seeing your face make me smile. so i guess you're like a comfort to me in a way. i know it's weird because we never talked. but that's just how i feel and i can't really help it, i already tried! gosh i'm blushing just writing this, so understand why i don't want you to know who i am. i'll keep blushing and be awkward. and i prefer to talk to you like that. i hope you understand. please don't throw my letter in the trash again! i'll stalk you until your death.

love always, quiet girl xx"

LETTERS || 양정원Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang