A voice interjected from the far end of the room behind us, "Hey, Independence Day was an awesome movie!" Tony poked his head out from the kitchen before grabbing something from the counter. He held a few soda cans in his hand and walked out into the living area. "Hey, Robin Hood, catch."

Barton turned his head to Tony and began to say, "Wha-" The can hit him square in the face as he flinched. The can dropped into his lap and left a big red mark on his nose. His light blue eyes glared at Tony and he scowled. The wheels cranked in his mind from what I could see, and it seemed like he was contemplating on whether to get him back or not. He sat back in his seat easily and relaxed as he opened up the can.

Stark passed out the remaining drinks to Nat and I. He sat down in one of the solitary chairs unnerved and gulped down some of his alcohol. His brown eyes watched as Banner picked a movie from the pile and dragged his feet over to the television. He popped the movie into the blueray player and sat down in a chair next to Tony. He curled up into the chair and waited for the movie to play.

Steve came out and plopped down next to me on the couch. He leaned towards the end of the couch and leaned on the arm rest. Peter walked back over to us with three bowls of popcorn and handed one to Bruce and Clint. He was about to drop down next to me on the couch, but he noticed Steve was already there. Peter's eyes narrowed at him. He didn't want to point out that he was in his spot, but at the same time, Peter wanted to bother me. I could see the gleam in his eyes that told me exactly that. Peter sat down on the floor in front of me and leaned back against my legs.

He gestured the bowl up to me, so I grabbed some popcorn and popped it into my mouth. I took a little bit more before he set the bowl down and held it in my hand for a minute or two. Steve took two pieces from my hand and munched on them while his eyes were glued to the screen. I turned my head a bit to look at him curiously. Never in my entire life have I had someone take popcorn from my hand. The bowl was one thing, but my hand? That was my popcorn! Steve side glanced at me and smiled just a bit before grabbing some popcorn from the bowl. Is this him trying to be nice to me? I questioned to myself. Steve Rogers was being something other than hostile right now. I was in uncharted territory. I glanced around the room and saw Banner munching on his popcorn. Tony took sips from his drink and pulled out a bag of chips to snack on. Clint and Natasha were throwing popcorn at each other and chuckling to themselves quietly. They tried to see who could victoriously throw popcorn into each other's mouths first. Peter was texting someone on his phone and shoving popcorn in his face. Thor was missing, for he went to visit Jane for advice on what to do about the problem in Asgard. For some reason, this all felt oddly normal.

Two hours after the movie was over, Rogers, Tony and I were in Tony's lab. Tony said he wanted to work on his newest suit to work out the kinks so he was safe in it. He had destroyed a bunch of his suits not too long ago, so the only suit he had was the one he was currently working on. Tony needed it up and running now since there was a threat out there that could strike at any moment. Tony asked Jarvis to put something together and played with something on the table. "That movie was pretty interesting."

I pulled myself over onto the counter top and scoffed, "Interesting? I couldn't focus half of the time with Nat and Clint throwing stuff at me and Peter knocking his bony elbows against my legs on purpose."

"Movies now are way better than they were back then. I still miss the black and white, though." Steve commented and leaned against the counter across from me. It had been a weird night. He was nice to me the whole time and even nudged me from time to time to make sure I was still aware he was there. I had been completely annoyed with everyone that sometimes I forgot we were supposed to have a good time.

"I guess it just depends on when you grew up, Star Spangled Man with a Plan." Tony laughed and his brown eyes locked onto Steve to see his reaction. His hands fidgeted with the metal on the table and handed it to the small robot by his side to dispose.

Steve shook his head in dismay and genuinely smirked at the name. A glimmer of remembrance sparked in his eye and he looked up at both of us. "I haven't heard that name in a long time."

"My father used to put on those videos of you and left them on until it cycled through a few times. He never stopped talking about you." Tony paused and thought for a moment. His tongue ran along the back of his teeth and set both hands on the table. Thinking of his father was a tough thing to do. Howard Stark wasn't really a father at all, but Tony knew it was so he could create a future for his son. "He thought the world of you."

"Your father was a good man, Tony." Rogers said in almost a quiet tone. Remembering too much of the past made his chest hurt. He looked down at the floor with his blue eyes and bit his lip.

I swung my legs over the counter and noticed the awkward silence. I never wanted to be in a sadly sentimental moment like this. People needed moments like this in private, not with someone else in the room who couldn't relate at all. "Alright, enough with the sadness parade. I can't take anymore of this."

"What do you suggest we do then, Small Fry?" Tony stated in a playful tone.

Again with the nickname. I rolled my eyes. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately since I have been here. What was I supposed to say? I just wanted the topic off of in depth emotions and memories. I tapped my fingers against the counter top and clicked my heels together. It was two in the morning and my eyes were starting to close. I had to stay alert. Had to stay awake. I hopped off and stood up. "I don't know. Maybe I should just head up for the night."

"Come on, Parker. You haven't done anything all day. Where's all your energy at?" Steve declared as he raised an eyebrow. He looked back up at me and playfully added, "Maybe you should come jog with me in the morning. Get your blood pumping."

I set one hand on my back to position myself straighter and shook my head. "Waking up early? Not my forte, Rogers." Getting up early? What a joke! I laughed in my mind.

"I'll walk you to your room," Tony offered as he stepped away from his spot. I accepted his offer and we left Steve in the lab. Tony was going to head back after I left. They had some talking to do.

We walked down the hallway. We were about to turn the corner when Tony smacked my arm in an attempt to grab onto it and set his other hand to his heart. Barton was perched on a table around the corner like a hawk on a tree. His eyes were wide open and quietly sat there, waiting. His arms drooped down for his hands to hit the table. Tony waved a hand in front of his face and grimaced when he realized that Clint was sleeping. Tony regained himself and calmed his breathing. I nearly laughed from Tony's tiny scream, but I didn't want to ruin the moment. He pushed Clint into the wall and watched the alertness arise in his eyes.

Barton began to laugh whole heartedly and sat down on the table. "Scared easily, Stark?" I laughed along with him, not being able to contain myself. All I could see was the look of Tony's frightened face in the back of my mind.

"Go to sleep, Bird Brains." Tony continued to walk me to my room and bid me goodnight before heading back to Steve. 

A Call to Action (Avengers Fan Fiction #1)  | REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now