Brian sped towards the semi. With one hand on the wheel, Brian began to fumble with the roof the convertible. Alex noticed his struggle and started to help him out. They pushed the roof off, sending it flying behind them.

"Here, take the wheel!" Brian yelled. Alex could barely hear him. The wind was whipping loudly from the speed that they were driving and semi-trucks are necessarily quiet.

"What the hell do you mean, 'take the wheel?'" Alex asked, shooting the blonde a look. Was he crazy?

"I mean take the wheel! Put your foot on the gas!" Brian responded, glancing over at Vince. By now, they were side-by-side with the semi. Vince was tangled in some type of wire. Alex couldn't tell what type. Her heart pounded against her chest when she noticed some blood on Vince's shirt. Vince outstretched his arm, trying to reach the orange Supra that Brian was driving. "I'm going to get him! Put your foot on the gas!"

"Okay!" Alex yelled. She unbuckled her seat belt, reached her leg over and placed her foot on the gas peddle. Brian started to lean against the side of the car, holding onto the windshield for support. Alex slid over into the driver's seat, trying her best to keep her foot on the gas. Alex looked at Brian, feeling her anxiety rise. "This is fucking crazy, Brian!"

"Alright, hold on Vince!" Brian yelled to Vince, who was crying out in agony. He glanced back at Alex. "Try to get a little closer, I can't reach him!"

"Okay! Be careful!" Alex told him. She almost wanted to smack herself for saying that. She didn't want to care about his well-being, all things considered. Alex had moved the car close enough to the semi for Brian to try and retrieve Vince.

"Hold it right there," Brian said. He took a deep breath and jumped from the Supra onto the side of the semi. He held onto the door, standing on the large running board of the semi. He bent down to help Vince get up. He quickly moved his hand so he was now holding onto the side view mirror. Vince grabbed the door handle, sitting up slightly. "I'm gonna get you off this thing! Look at me! Don't let go," Brian told him seriously.

Brian reached down and began to unravel the wire that Vince's arm was caught in. While he was doing this, the drive of the semi was beginning to load his shot gun with more shells. Finally, Brian got Vince free. Vince stood up on the running board, grabbing onto Brian for support.

"Alex, get closer!" Brian yelled, glancing over at the girl. She was still driving side-by-side with the semi. She nodded and turned the wheel to the left slightly, carefully moving the car closer to the semi so Brian and Vince could safely jump onto it. "Go ahead Vince, you go first!" Brian yelled to him. Vince nodded. He somehow mustered the courage to jump, landing side-ways in the back seat of the Supra. Alex glanced back at him, wanting to make sure that he landed alright. He adjusted himself so he was sprawled out. He slumped against the seat, cradling his wounded arm.

Brian was relieved as he watched Vince land safely. He turned his head to look into the window of the semi truck. His eyes widened when he saw the semi driver aim a shot gun right at him. Quickly, he turned and jumped onto the Supra. The semi drive pulled the trigger, shattering the glass. Brian landed on top of the Supra at just the right time, both the bullets and glass missing him completely. Alex jumped at the sound of the gun shot. Brian was laid out on top of the car, both hands on either side of the windshield. Alex could see him above her.

Since both men had been free from the semi, Alex made a sharp right turn and drove off the road, wanting to get as far away from the semi as possible. Brian managed to hold on as the car drove across the rough terrain. The semi continued to drive straight along the highway, leaving the group alone. Alex stopped the car, turning it off and quickly turned her attention towards Vince. Brian hopped off the car. He opened the car door and pulled Vince out, laying him down on the ground with Alex's help.

Nothing Like Us // Brian O'Conner [1]Where stories live. Discover now