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Everyone's experiences of anxiety is different,so it's hard to know what exactly causes problems.Difficult experiences in childhood,adoloscence or adulthood are a common trigger for anxiety problems.Going through stress and trauma when you're very young is likely to have  particularly a big impact.Experiences such as:abuse,neglect,losing a parents,being bullied trigger anxiety.It's also common to develop anxiety while living with other mental health problems like depression,OCD,etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

"According to what you describe,I think Jihu had an anxiety attack."

Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other.

"Any idea what caused it?"

"I'm really not sure doctor" Taehyung replies despairingly

"Okay,So I'd like to talk to jihu for better diagnosis."

"Sure,but will she be okay?"

"Oh yes,She'll be perfectly fine." "After the panic is gone the patient is back to normal."

"I see.Anything else we need to take care of?" inquires jungkook.

"Ummmmm.......... try to find out what causes the panic,and just stay with her during such episodes."

(after a while)

Jungkook and Taehyung have returned from the doctor's.Jihu rested at home while they went to get further details from him.Jihu had regained consciousness,She was relaxed now.

"I hope you're better now." Jungkook sits beside Jihu.

"Yes! I'm completely fine." "And I'm sorr-"

"Don't you dare.." Taehyung warns her. 

"Ok-" Jihu mutters.

"Can we have a talk Jihu?" Jungkook asks her in a serious but soft tone.


"Why did you get so anxious jihu,What did mr.sungsoo say to you?"

"He was scolding me for not being able to retain anything he teaches,and he was about to hit me,then.."

"then?" jungkook asks impatiently

"A past episode played in my head,It was a similar situation my aunt was about to hurt me"

"Jihu,can we know more about your aunt and that family you lived with?....... please?"

Jihu is quiet,she is unsure of how much to share,if they'll understand her.She wondered if they would judge her.

Taehyung seats himself close to her,he strokes her hair,It was the most tender touch.

"You can trust us"

Jihu nods.She looks at both of them,They look like two dads worried for their daughter.Jihu knows she can trust them.

Jihu tells them everything,about her past,about her aunt and uncle and their son,how they tormented her for six years.She tells them of her aunt,who made her toil all day,mercilessly;her uncle,who would hit her,whenever he came home drunk and had a fight with her aunt.She told them how she took care of her wounds by herself,how she laboured even if she was sick.

".......but till then,I didn't get any attacks as such."

"It started after aft-t-te" A cold shiver runs down her spine,tears forming in her eyes.

Little did she notice,both taehyung and jungkook are sitting on either side of her,holding her hand,rubbing her back in support.She continues her story while snivelling.


Mr.andMrs.Khyong are out of town.Jihu and Ilseong are the only ones in the house.Jihu is serving dinner to Ilseong.He was sitting on the table,jihu's chest caught his attention.He noticed her cleavage,his eyes were fixated on her chest as she was coming near him to serve food.Jihu was moving around the table,his eyes moved from jihu's chest to her waist and further down.He gulped as he looked at her.

Jihu wasn't noticing him until he came up to her and grabbed her by her waist.Jihu dropped the plate from her hands.


Ilseong doesn't say anything,he just keeps moving his thirsty eyes around jihu's body.

"How did I not notice?you've grown up"

Jihu understood his intention,She desperately tries to push him away but she fails,he was twice as strong.He unbuckles his belt and drops jihu on the couch.                                                                            Her pupils shrink as she looks into the lustful eyes of her molester,his devilish intentions reflecting on his face.The room is dimly lit,all that could be heard were the excruciating cries of jihu.  

She shut her eyes,silent tears streaming down her face,she could feel herself dying inside.Her heart tore apart,she wanted to end her life then and there.

The paralysed suffering child shouted,she screamed.But nobody saved her.


"............I was fourteen at the time,I had high fever for seven days after that."

"I am so sorry jihu." Jungkook hugs her from the side and rests his head on hers.

Jihu keeps sobbing continuously.Taehyung and Jungkook don't let go of her,they cling on her together,from each side,surrounding her in a warm cuddle.They can feel her pain.

"I wanted to die,I could feel nothing........... but life went on." Jihu sniffs while ending her heartbreaking story.

"I promise you,I'll never let you feel the same again." Jungkook wipes the tears off of her face

"And I promise,I'll make that cousin of yours pay." Taehyung spoke.

"H-how?W-wh-y?please no,I don't want to see them ag-gain,Pl-ease hyung" Jihu pleads {ik it should be oppa,but hyung sounds better.}

"You don't need to be scared of anyone,you have your hyungs by your side." Taehyung assures her.

"That is right,now you only have to focus on healing,hyungs will take care of the rest." Jungkook states.


"Don't you dare." Taehyung warns her again.

"Ok-" Jihu gets quiet instantly.

Jungkook looks at her innocent face,he feels sorry for her,he wonders how she handed all the pain alone.He engulfs jihu in his embrace again and taehyung joins them in the bear hug.


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