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Today I have a meeting with Taehyung's parents.I have no idea what to expect.Taehyung has made me practice what to say,he wants everything to go as planned.Right now he is taking me to a salon.

We get out of the car and I see a tall black building with glass panels,there is a signboard on the top of the building which says 'Eunju's' in pink. We enter the building,I can see a few people on either side,relaxing on barber chairs,We walk down the long room and get into the elevator and reach the topmost floor.

There are a bunch of ladies already waiting for us,except one of them, all the girls are wearing the same black apron and black t-shirt with the name of the salon calligraphed on the back.The lady comes forward and hugs taehyung.

"Good to see you Taehyung!"

"Good to see you too Eun-ju" Tae replies "This is Jihu!"

"Oh hello!" She hugs me as well.

She is a middle aged,slender woman with short hair and a lot of make up on.

"H-Hello" I reply timidly.

"Eun-ju,I want you to make her look as pretty as possible." I am a little stunned by his statement.

"O that won't be a problem,She's already so pretty." She flashes a big smile while saying this.

"Another request Eun-ju"


"Make her look a little older if possible."

"I'll see what I can do." she replies and begins to think while scanning me from head to toe.

"Thankyou for that." He turns to me "I'll pick you in a few hours,enjoy your day with them." He pats my cheek.

"Enjoy?!" I think to myself.

One of the girls hands me a satin robe and guides me to the washroom.I am really scared of the artistry this woman is planning to show on my face.













@a restaurant

Taehyung's parents are already seated at a table.Jihu and Taehyung enter the restaurant.Taehyung points at his parents' table and leads jihu there.

Jihu joins her hands and bows to Mr.and Mrs.Kim. Taehyung and Jihu sit on the opposite side of the table,facing them.

"So,Taehyung wants to marry you,I must say he has a good taste in women,you're very pretty." Tae's dad never leaves a chance to push tae towards women.

"Khamsa-hamnida ajushee."(thankyou sir/uncle).Jihu feels slightly awkward but she stays in character.

"But looks won't be enough hubaenim,I wish to know more about you."

Jihu looks at Taehyung and Tae nods at her,encouraging her to speak.Jihu takes a deep breath.

"My name is Kim Ji-hu.My parents passed away a few years ago,they had also owned a business like your family,but after they were gone nobody continued the business." "I was not in a mental state to take over such a big company and I had no other sibling."

The Beloved Thirdwheel || A Taekook Fanfiction[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now