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{happy V day!<3}

Jihu moves in with taehyung in his parents' house.Jungkook is also usually around because he is taehyung's manager.

"Jihu get ready! he must be coming." declared taehyung.

"Get ready?For what?"Jihu is confused.

"We hired a personal tutor for you."

"A t-tutor?"

"That's right." utters jungkook.

Jihu is delighted,She runs into taekook's arms.Jungkook pats her head gently.

"It's ok,education is not that hard,you'll make it alive."taehyung jokes.

Jihu looks at taehyung with an annoyed expression.Taehyung cracks up on seeing her face.

"Taehyung!Someone is here for you!!"Tae's dad calls out.

Taehyung goes downstairs to get the teacher,Jungkook and Jihu follow him.

Taehyung introduces Mr.Sungsoo to Jihu.Jungkook takes them with him.

"Why did you hire a teacher for Jihu?" Mr.Kim questions taehyung.

 "She needs to continue her education which she dropped a few years ago"

"So....your wife to be is uneducated?" "She is a lowbrow!?What more charity are you planning to do for her?"

"You know how to make everything an insult."muttered taehyung.

"That girl is going to be the daughter in law of ours" snapped. "She is in the public eye for god's sake." "Do you even care about our reputation?!"

"Do you care about me?my choices??huh?"

"I do,that's why I am telling you,you can find much better girls son."

"I bet the fathers~ of those girls~ are offering you good profit."


"STOP FORCING YOUR CHOICES ON ME!." Taehyung replies harshly and leaves.

Even though taehyung snaps back at his dad often,He always ends up feeling guilt-ridden.He loves his parents especially his dad,He always looked up to him as his role-model.As a kid he loved watching him work,he loved to see him give commands to the employees,He aspired to be like his father.But as time passed disagreements between him and his dad evolved.He was already an insecure gay teenager,struggling in a non-accepting society,and his parents' continuous efforts to change him,broke him even more.He grew distant from them,and no efforts were made to abridge the distance.





A few days later.

Its late afternoon,Taehyung and Jungkook are at work,Mr.Sungsoo is teaching jihu in her room.

"Now,What led to the fall of goryeo kingdom?"

Jihu is thinking hard."I-I don't remember."

Mr.Sungsoo gets up from his chair and starts yelling at jihu.


"I-I'm sorry,I'll learn it by tomorrow"

"THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID YESTERDAY,YOU NEED TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON." Mr.Sungsoo is an old teacher who believes in the traditional methods of teaching,which includes more violence less teaching.

He takes out a wooden ruler from his bag.

"No-No please no"

"Give me your hand."

Jihu puts her hands behind her back,shaking her head.


He harshly pulls out her hand."OPEN YOUR FIST!" He forcibly opens her fist.

Jihu's eyes get fixated in a horrified gaze,She starts burbling the same sentence repeatedly.




Mrs.Khyong(Jihu's aunt)pulls out her hand.She forcefully makes jihu touch the edge of an heated iron pot,which was kept on a flaming stove.

Jihu wailed in pain,her aunt shrugged her sore,blistered palm away.

Jihu remembers being a ten year old kid who was terribly scared of her aunt,She remembers being motherless and miserable.That petrified,frightened child,is still alive within her.


Mr.Sungsoo is puzzled,this was an unexpected outbreak.

Jihu curls up her legs close to her,Her whole body starts shivering.She starts crying loudly,She covers up her mouth to stop her incessant cries.She looks at the scar in her palm and her mind replays the incident over and over.She is reminded of her aunt,and all the different scars she has given her internally and externally.She is living her past again,She has reverted back to the dark days and haunting nights.It feels as if she is being pulled into a deep black wormhole,from which there is no return.

She loses all control over herself and her emotions.

Mr.Sungsoo tries to go close to her but hesitates.Taehyung came back from work to check on jihu.He barges into the room.

(tae pov)

As I enter the room,I see Mr.Sungsoo holding a ruler in his hand and jihu curled up in her chair,shaking and crying.


"I don't know,I was about to hit her and she-"


"SHE FORGETS EVERYTHING I TEACH" Mr.Sungsoo tries to explain himself.

Taehyung furiously glares at Mr.Sungsoo.

"Get the hell out!"

"B-but I didn't even touch her."


Mr.Sungsoo quietly gathers his belongings and leaves abruptly,feeling humiliated.

Taehyung looks at jihu who is still in a state of anxiety.She is whimpering in panic.


Taehyung manages to make out what she's saying in the middle of her muffled cries.He is devastated to see her like this.He doesn't know how to comfort her.

The noise has led to some maids crowding the door.Taehyung's mom joins them,She is shocked to see jihu this way.

Taehyung sits on his knees and delicately holds jihu's hand,he sees the burn scar in her palm,his heart aches to see it.

He gets up and wraps his arms around her.He can feel her body shivering against him,which makes him embrace her even more closely.He wants jihu to calm down,He wants to pull her out of her fear,He dreads to see her suffering,He wants to see her smiling again.

"Sshhhh.....Nobody is going to hurt you.I'm here..................always."

Taehyung's words have their effect and her dreadful misery vanishes into peaceful unconsciousness.


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